Devices > Androids and other portables

Change Ratings in Gizmo

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I used to be able to press any one of the Ratings stars in Gizmo and that rating would stick
 Now, when I press anyone of them it highlights fir a few seconds and then reverts back to previous rating.

When did this change? And how do I get this feature back?

On the server, you need to set authentication on so that changes in Gizmo are saved on the server.  It's under Media Network.

I'll try it and report back.

Usually when you turn on authentication on the server, the next time you log onto Gizmo, it asks you for the password. Did that but Gizmo didn't ask, and immediately logged me in. Still not able to make changes.

How does one get a new log in key?

Awesome Donkey:
Make sure you're not using read-only authentication, otherwise you won't be able to set ratings either. I would actually recommend completely closing MC then restarting it after enabling authentication. If all else fails, on your Android device you can also try clearing the data for Gizmo too to reset it as well.


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