Networks and Remotes > Remotes

Remote Control via Bluetooth


I am trying to setup a remote control of MC32 on my laptop via Bluetooth to my Android phone. I am living in an RV and am not on on a wifi network so looking to see if this is possible via Bluetooth?

If not, how about a hotspot connection?

If not, how else?

Any wifi network will work, even if not connected to the Internet.  Try a Google search.

I corrected my post to say I have no wifi network to connect to.

Awesome Donkey:
MC's various remotes (JRemote, Panel, TRemote, etc.) only work via an internet connection like Wi-Fi and/or ethernet. To get them to work you'd have to setup a small Wi-Fi network. It doesn't actually need to be connected to the internet, it just has to exist with the MC server and the Android phone connected to it at the same time.


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