Networks and Remotes > Remotes

Problem controlling cloudplay with Jremote2

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I got the new jremote2 . I go to cloudplay and select the popular playlists. I get a screen full of playlists but I can't get any of them to play. Pressing the play button does nothing.
This happens when I select player or dlna device as output . If i select this device plays without an issue
If I select Radio jriver plays on all the available options


Try waiting longer, even a minute.


--- Quote from: JimH on June 08, 2024, 12:49:12 am ---Try waiting longer, even a minute.

--- End quote ---
waited for 5min no change.
When I press play the existing playlist (if any) clears and nothing else happens

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Try the conversion settings.  Your phone may not play the files.  Try other playlists.

yes I am
I can play the same playlist when I select as a player my android phone.
JRiver radio plays fine no matter what output I select.
If I start the playlist from the MC everything works fine. The problem exists only when I try to start playback from jremote2 selecting as an output either MC player or my upnp renderer


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