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Dedicated Mini/Micro PC

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Shasta Mike:
My Id is not upgradeable to the latest MC and I want to take advantage of MC32's features especially transferring libraries between computers.  And, the Id has problems rebooting after power outages and after a couple years I am over trying to learn Linux. Plus, syncing libraries between a couple Windows 10 computers and Linux Id is a PITA for me.   

Mainly, I want something with Windows 11 and need the PC for outputting music into my Class D audiophile music system.  I am not streaming video here though if it could I might use that.  We mostly have HP's around the house.  I've read a bunch of reviews on various small form factor PC's and am not interested in building anything myself - been there, done that, not interested.   

I use an external Samsung 4TB SSD for storing music so need a few fast USB ports. I'm using the M04Media app on an Android and iPhone. That's about it for basic requirements. 

And, recs for an inexpensive micro/mini/small-form-factor Win11 PC? 


--- Quote from: Shasta Mike on June 08, 2024, 02:44:09 pm ---My Id is not upgradeable to the latest MC and I want to take advantage of MC32's features especially transferring libraries between computers.  And, the Id has problems rebooting after power outages and after a couple years I am over trying to learn Linux. Plus, syncing libraries between a couple Windows 10 computers and Linux Id is a PITA for me.   

Mainly, I want something with Windows 11 and need the PC for outputting music into my Class D audiophile music system.  I am not streaming video here though if it could I might use that.  We mostly have HP's around the house.  I've read a bunch of reviews on various small form factor PC's and am not interested in building anything myself - been there, done that, not interested.   

I use an external Samsung 4TB SSD for storing music so need a few fast USB ports. I'm using the M04Media app on an Android and iPhone. That's about it for basic requirements. 

And, recs for an inexpensive micro/mini/small-form-factor Win11 PC?

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Honestly there's a million recommendations, all very similar that could be made here. A good starter is how small do you want to go (like I have these tiny Mele 3C and 4Cs, and then I have bigger ones)? There's lots of fanless options too that are smart if the machine is in your listening environment.

Might be almost too small, depending on what you're after.

Shasta Mike:

--- Quote from: eve on June 08, 2024, 03:10:46 pm ---Honestly there's a million recommendations, all very similar that could be made here. A good starter is how small do you want to go (like I have these tiny Mele 3C and 4Cs, and then I have bigger ones)? There's lots of fanless options too that are smart if the machine is in your listening environment.

Might be almost too small, depending on what you're after.

--- End quote ---
1. Having an Id/NUC now I am comfortable with that form factor but a little larger is fine. 2. Fanless is nice because it does sit on top of the preamp and amp.  But, a small fan is something I am not going to hear.  3.  The MeLE looked good though a few comments about getting hot are concerning but Amazon ratings/comments have to be taken with a grain of salt as they say.  Since the easiest location is on top of my preamp, heat is somewhat a concern  4. A million recs!  Agree, that is why I posted here.  I definitely got lost.  haha

Overall though, the MeLE or similar is fine.  I like reliability and am willing to pay for it if it is real.  So, I normally stick to trusted brand names that have a reputation for exemplary service.  If I didn't hate Apple OS with a passion I would probably go for one of their small ones like the Apple Mac Mini. 

Many thanks!


--- Quote from: Shasta Mike on June 09, 2024, 09:05:16 am --- 1. Having an Id/NUC now I am comfortable with that form factor but a little larger is fine. 2. Fanless is nice because it does sit on top of the preamp and amp.  But, a small fan is something I am not going to hear.  3.  The MeLE looked good though a few comments about getting hot are concerning but Amazon ratings/comments have to be taken with a grain of salt as they say.  Since the easiest location is on top of my preamp, heat is somewhat a concern  4. A million recs!  Agree, that is why I posted here.  I definitely got lost.  haha

Overall though, the MeLE or similar is fine.  I like reliability and am willing to pay for it if it is real.  So, I normally stick to trusted brand names that have a reputation for exemplary service.  If I didn't hate Apple OS with a passion I would probably go for one of their small ones like the Apple Mac Mini. 

Many thanks!

--- End quote ---

I've had a couple of these Mele's running 24/7 for a year and a half ish. No issues. They do get a little hot. I actually tossed a heatsink I had lying around ON TOP of one (yeah, not ideal, but it happened to be like the exact same size as the Mele by chance) and got a ~9 degree reduction in temps. But in all honesty, I don't find the temps concerning on any of them.

I wouldn't expect it's worthwhile to pay for a 'known' brand here, the cost is relatively low (you're getting hit for like maybe 200-300 bucks tops), and the name brands are significantly more expensive without much benefit (at least for what you seem to want to do with it).

The Mele's were really good for harvesting (so like one of my AES67 endpoints has a board from an Mele 3C in it)

There are plenty of fanless N100/i3-N305 equivalents out there, they look like routers so you may overlook them at first, but they make great low powered machines. I would recommend installing your own ram and m.2 since the manufacturers tend to skimp for margins on those components.


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