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These benchmarks too low to run JRiver?

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--- Quote from: Zoltrix on July 21, 2024, 08:39:15 am ---After many weeks, and trying three different computers and Win10 and Win11, found the solution here:

Man what a waste of time.

I think has others have said, might be a good idea to remove (or provide a warning) for those people trying to use DirectSound.

--- End quote ---
Were you also bitstreaming?  What did you change?

More details, please.

Based on Zoltrix's comment "I think has others have said, might be a good idea to remove (or provide a warning) for those people trying to use DirectSound." I'm wondering if there would be value in MC 32 or 33 now changing the default audio output from the legacy DirectSound to WASAPI.

I believe that DirectSound has been the default for several years before the introduction of WASAPI and, as the old versions of Windows which didn't have/support WASAPI are no longer supported by MS, I suspect that changing the default from WASAPI would not cause much confusion.

My two cents.

Awesome Donkey:
Making WASAPI the default? Interesting idea, though if such a thing is considered exclusive mode should be disabled by default otherwise people are going to complain about system sounds, browser audio, etc. isn't working during playback or pausing playback.

Honestly it might be worth splitting WASAPI into two audio output options (without having a exclusive mode checkbox in device settings, just straight split it in two); WASAPI (which would be shared and the default) and WASAPI Exclusive. That would likely be a bit more clear to most users and it would make it easier to enable exclusive mode to achieve bit-perfect playback with one setting change (instead of having to go into the device settings and enable it there).


--- Quote from: Awesome Donkey on July 22, 2024, 04:45:46 pm ---Making WASAPI the default? Interesting idea, though if such a thing is considered exclusive mode should be disabled by default otherwise people are going to complain about system sounds, browser audio, etc. isn't working during playback or pausing playback.

Honestly it might be worth splitting WASAPI into two audio output options (without having a exclusive mode checkbox in device settings, just straight split it in two); WASAPI (which would be shared and the default) and WASAPI Exclusive. That would likely be a bit more clear to most users and it would make it easier to enable exclusive mode to achieve bit-perfect playback with one setting change (instead of having to go into the device settings and enable it there).

--- End quote ---

I totally agree with your suggestion of splitting WASAPI Shared (being the default) with WASAPI Exclusive  as an option; I was thinking about the exclusive related complaints while sitting by my big green egg  grilling supper after posting and your suggestion definitely provides a clearer choice for new users.

I believe that our default WASAPI is not exclusive and that a user must explicitly set exclusive.  That seems safe.


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