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Gizmo won't play to server

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Have used Gizmo successfully for years to control Media Center both on my NAS and on my Laptop. I have moved recently and now, Gizmo will not play to my server (laptop in this case, as I have yet to setup my NAS). I can log onto the server and play to my phone, but when I click on "Play to" in order to change to, I then select the laptop with correct access key, Gizmo appears to logon but I do not see "Server" in the play to section of Gizmo.

I have deactivated DLNA in MC32 and reactivated it, and same access key is used. I have tried inputting a new server with the same access key, but still, I can only play to my device and not the laptop. I CAN play from my laptop using my keyboard but Gizmo will not show whats playing.

I have reinstalled Gizmo and same access keys appear in Gizmo so I am at a loss as to how to control my laptop. Its gotta be simple but I dont know what to do next. HELP!

Do you have more than one version of MC installed, and are you connecting to the right one?

Firewalls and antivirus can do unexpected things.

Try Panel, just as a test.


--- Quote from: JimH on June 29, 2024, 08:41:36 am ---Do you have more than one version of MC installed, and are you connecting to the right one?

Firewalls and antivirus can do unexpected things.

Try Panel, just as a test.

--- End quote ---

I upgraded from MC28 and that version uses the same access key, but I have disabled DLNA on 28 and do not have media server running. Interestingly, I reinstalled MC32 and before I restored the library and settings, I enabled DLNA which generated a new access key. I was able to connect via Gizmo and play to server under that access key, but when I resotred my backup with settings the old access key is all that shows and I can not play to server under that key.

Are all 3 parts of DLNA turned on in Media Network options?


whats the third part?


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