Devices > PC's and Other Hardware

Do I have things set up correctly?


New member here so first of all hi!

I have been using JRiver MC for almost a year now but not quite sure if I've got things set up properly, would appreciate checking with you guys.

I have things arranged as follows:

PC with i5 processor, GTX 1060 Nvidia GPU.
Output via HDMI to DENNON AVR
AVR to Epson 9300 PJ
PJ is faux 4k

I have MC set up to use Red October

The issue is - my GPU is only running at 15% tops, same with MadVR.

I am playing 4k HDR remix from HDD

Surely it should be working harder than that as it's not a particularly powerful GPU?

The picture is pretty good but I feel I might be missing out?

Is this about right for the GPU load or should it be working harder? Is it because I have a 4k PJ and it doesn't have to do the extra work to downscale to 1080p?

Thanks in advance for any tips on checking stuff

I'd recommend that you upgrade to the latest version and use JRVR for the best experience.


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