Things would certainly be a lot cleaner after that! Wouldn't you need a sudo in front of that, for that finishing sparkle?

Here's a real thing though... As various expression fields get added over time, and they get a good testing workout at the time, and the slowdown is barely noticeable, if at all, and all is good, and as the daily user, I am very happy. I do not know of any other software out there that offers the level of flexibility to the user that MC does...
About a year ago, during a bout of trouble-shooting, I ran for about a week with a default, out-of-the-box library, and the speed was incredible. Don't get me wrong, even with all the current tricks and tweaks built up over 22 years, things are still super fast, nothing is an issue, but, a virgin MC library with 50k files? Blistering fast!
The recently added "allow custom data to override expression" field setting has been a great help, especially in my photo library on the HTPC.
Back around 2007, I began experimenting with Pix01 templates. The idea was to show the photo with some origin info from the tags included, so I put all the html into expression based fields to generate the content, as can be seen
It was a lot of work (for me) at the time, and I got it working quite well, but then, it stalled and never really went anywhere after that. For some reason, I can't bring myself to delete the fields. Every time I've done library spring cleaning, I get to those, and, yeah, maybe next time