Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay
IPhone sync
I know this has been discussed but can't find it. Has anyone found a way to say export a Playlist and then sync to an iPhone with another program. I'm vested in jriver but have to find a way to sync to a phone.
Android phones are open. iPhones are not.
This is a problem created by Apple. Did you try the Apple forum?
Not sure what apple forum you’re talking about. I’m thinking to support your customers it would be grand to take some of the subscription money and pay apple so your customers can actually use the software we pay for.
Awesome Donkey:
Apple has their devices locked down preventing third-party software from syncing to iOS devices in the way you want. No amount of paying Apple is going to get them to open up their walled garden this way unfortunately and a US-based company like JRiver just can't find and add some sort of hack or workaround allowing them to somehow sync either, as Apple would just sue them into oblivion. The honest brutal bottom line is this... if you don't want these sort of issues don't invest in walled garden platforms like iPhones or you'll have to deal with the limitations of doing so, this being one of them.
In order to sync to iOS devices like an iPhone you'd have to use Apple apps like iTunes or Apple Music unfortunately.
Funny Media Monkey manages just fine, I just don’t like the way it does everything else
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