More > JRiver Media Center 30 for Linux

Proper tagging of MKV files - how and what?

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sudo mount -t cifs //<WINDOWS_PC_IP>/<SHARE_PATH> /mnt/windows-share -o username=<USERNAME>,password=<PASSWORD>,uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g),file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777

file_mode=0777 and dir_mode=0777 give full read/write permissions to the files and directories.

This was done already so I'll activate the logging and will post it here in a while.

I was about to copy the Log into my shared folder for uploading here and found the issue:

It is indeed because those folders were mounted with a different user. I just don't know what's the best way to fix this now. ::)

Maybe I'll try to mount those folders with the same user that MC uses. Which one is that BTW? "joaquim" as appears in my prompt or a special one?

EDIT: Great News!!!
I don't know how this happened but my MoviesE shared folder on Windows side had still only Read permissions so I've set it to Read/Write (again) and now it works!
I can finally see very nice thumbnails!
Thank you so much for all your help! It seems for now I have only to select all my movies and use that nice option "Get Movie..." again :)

On the Windows side, did you check if the folder has RW permissions for "Everyone"? You need to set it both on the folder permissions and on the share permissions.


--- Quote from: zybex on November 12, 2024, 05:44:57 am ---On the Windows share, did you check if the folder has RW permissions for "Everyone"? You need to set it both on the folder permissions and on the share permissions.

--- End quote ---

That was indeed the issue! this folder has eluded me for some weird reason...  ;D

I now see these strange files inside each folder:
Coriolanus (2011)_mkv_JRSidecar.xml

Great :)

You can disable Sidecar files in MC Options.


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