Playing Now Popup problems on Mac.
Their "Display always on top of other windows" Option does the same thing when switched on or off.
As most mac users know, most Apple Applications do not open in Full Screen/Window Mode and a number of them open in different parts of the screen and always open at the size Apple have set them to.
However regardless of if the Main MC Window is open or minimised, if a Playing Now Popup is present on the screen, it will always remain on visible and parts of it may even be sitting on top of the App Window.
Thankfully when you Maximise the Apple App Window the Playing Now Popup drops down below the App Window.
If you want to bring a Minimised MC Window Back Up when a Playing Now Popup was visible on the screen when you minimised it when you click on the MC Icon in the Dock nothing will happen.
To get the MC Window back up you have to Right Click on the MC Icon and select the "Show All Windows" option, this will cause the Popup to shrink and be replaced by a "No Available Windows" message to appear centered on the Desktop above a very small version of the MC Window fairly close to the Dock. You have to click on that small window to get MC to reappear at it's original size.
10. NEW: PNP screen position presets (top-left, bottom-right, etc.) are selectable in the Settings. The default is bottom right, but a custom position can still be set with the Move menu item.
One of those presets should never be used if you decide you want to move a Popup from the center of the screen.
Whist MC has always remembered the position of a Popup Window it does not remember the positioning of the Settings Form Window if the user moves it from its default position which just happens to be in the centre of the screen.
I'll leave it for you to workout what the Popup is preventing access to in the attached compound image when it is in Top Left, Top Right Left Center , Dead Center or Right Bottom "Preset Positions".
For the benefit of anyone not familiar with MC on the Win or Linux platforms the MC Menus are located at the left hand end of the top toolbar and the Maximise, Minimise and Close Buttons are located at its right hand end.
N.B. The amount of restricted access will vary depending on the size of the popup being used but at present there isn't a single Playing Now Popup that does does not impose some level of restricted access