Hi @Matt,
Is there a way to get the current play state in MC? If not, a new function would be nice, something like this:
PlayState(mode, fields) - get information about the current playing status and track
The function returns a list with the current state, track position, current playlist info, and the requested fields for the playing track (regardless of which file is currently in the execution context).
fields: list of fields to return for currently playing track
0 = current playing status; position in seconds; FileKey
1 = current playing status; position in seconds; FileKey; PlayListId; PlayListName; Playlist Position
2 = requested Fields for current track
3 = 1+2 combined
Playing status: PLAYING | PAUSED | STOPPED
PLAYING;125;452345;2897346;Best of 90's;5
PlayState(2, Key;Title;Artist;Album;Year)
452345;Until It Sleeps;Metallica;Load;1996
PlayState(3, Key;Title;Artist;Album;Year)
PLAYING;125;452345;2897346;Best of 90's;5;Until It Sleeps;Metallica;Load;1996