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Author Topic: JRemote on Android (v2,3) - flac compatibility(?)  (Read 479 times)


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JRemote on Android (v2,3) - flac compatibility(?)
« on: December 19, 2024, 08:12:51 pm »

I was about to report this as a problem, but now I'm more inclined to think it's the universe conspiring against music collectors.

Where it all began: I have a whole lot of albums (and playlist made from them) that do not show any tracks in JRemote on Android. Ver 2 or 3 doesn't matters. The circle spins and just spins (for hours if I let it). Now mind you these are all CD-sourced flacs. No multichannels, no high-res, none of that. Having said that, there are some potential exotic practices that I employ: 1) Lots of metadata. Not sure if it makes any difference (it shouldn't?) but I do cram everything under the sun that Picard and its plugins can write as metadata; 2) big embedded covers, both in dimensions and filesize; 3) The most interesting aspect (or so I thought) - flaccl encoded files, probably lots of them with --lax and -11 compression cause that's how I roll.

I never had a problem before but hey, I though that especially 3) broke the camel's proverbial back in this case. And choosing to go the industrious way I set out to prove it. Except I proved nothing.

I picked up a CD, ripped it to WAVs, and started to work using the latest MC33, CueTools, Picard, biggest art I can find. In quick succession I made FLAC versions encoded in MC with no tags, with tags and no art, with tags and with 3MB art and also with FLACCL with -11 compression, without tags, with tags, with big art... every possible combination. And then I brought all of them into a test library in MC, fired up JRemote3 on my Pixel and... ALL FILES SHOW UP. They also play just fine, all of them.

So, here I am. What gives? I'd really like to solve this, but the more I think the number of variables increases. If there ever was, say, a version of flaccl that messed things up, things get out of hand, cause I can't verify that empirically. Also I'm not sure what's a valid test if, say, I keep tweaking a non-working file. Caches/history involved on JRemote side (aka does it remember things, does it need a disconnect server / reconnect server to make a valid new attempt?). Is there a more direct way to understand why JRemote refuses to cooperate with some of my files? Some super-secret entries in super-secret logs :), anything that would shrink the 'where to look' area?

At any rate, any thoughts appreciated!


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Re: JRemote on Android (v2,3) - flac compatibility(?)
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2024, 12:06:04 pm »

I doubt any file properties have any influence if an album or playlist even shows tracks, not on that level. If playback would fail, sure, but the tracks should be listed, its entirely based on Media Centers library, not directly any file contents, until you try to play it.
Maybe the cover art? but that should load independent of the actual track list and just cause covers to not show.

Your playlists aren't extremely long for some reason, or contain any extra special characters in some metadata, or anything like that?

If you are willing, you could email me a backup of your library (MC library only, media files not required), and I can see if I can see something. Its hendrik at jriver dot com.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters
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