Advantages: Going forward, this scheme would make it easier to develop and distribute non-interfering custom skins without necessarily renaming these special files, listing them, and effectively baking them in. It would also give the end-user more flexibility in choosing which special artwork to use: Default Art, Custom Art, or Skin-Specific Art.
I've read the OP several times over, across a few days, and honestly, I'm having trouble following. Apologies for being a bit slow. The whole thing reads as if there is some issue with the artwork file naming? or is it location? or both? What would you define as an "interfering custom skin"?
The cascading nature we currently have is simple:
A skin author can choose to include artwork as an essential part of the skin by having the files in the skin folder and referencing those files via the <art> section of the xml.
If there's no <art> section with the skin, MC checks for files in the \Custom Art\ directory and uses anything it finds there
for every skinIf there's no \Custom Art\ directory, files from the \Default Art\ directory are used,
for every skinThese last two are important. Especially the last one. Some skins are old. They date back to a time when there was no 'Modern' tag window, or further back, for example, no tabs in MC. When an old skin is loaded that does not cater for these new areas, files from the custom or default art folders are used.
Before we had an <art> section to utilise, skin creators could include custom art files, but always with the need to explain the caveats, and where to place them. It wasn't good from a user experience POV really.
Now it's good. Skins arrive with the user ready to go with custom art that does not affect their experience with any other skin they might choose to use. That custom art is chosen by the skin author and should remain with that skin. The files can be named
anything the creator chooses. Why does the file name matter to anyone other than the skin creator?
If an end user wants to experiment with files included with one skin, in another, that would be their choice. They're free to do so, and by using a new skin folder, they can use any naming convention
they choose.
Advantages: It would also give the end-user more flexibility in choosing which special artwork to use: Default Art, Custom Art, or Skin-Specific Art.
I can only speak for myself about this, possibly, other skin creators feel the same way. To create a high quality MC standard view skin from scratch is an enormous undertaking. It involves many hundreds of hours work, possibly even thousands (a long time, anyway

) to get the component images right, to get the drawing instructions right, to get the colours right, to get the scaling right, to get the platform specific stuff right, to get the icons and artwork right, and so on.
We then donate all that work, freely, and encourage interest in how and why it works, so that maybe, someone will be inspired to make something else. This is fine, but, that skin we released? It needs to stay as it is. It uses artwork that we chose during skin creation. Just because we give these things away, does not mean they have no value. They do. If an end user feels the need to use different artwork, it is up to them to learn how the whole thing works from skin directory down, and then create their own version. AwesomeDonkey calls them 'Forks'

What exactly is it that needs fixing/simplifying here?