Hi and HNY. Really great sw that I have used for about 10 years now.
1. Versions: Win10, MC 33.0.30 64-bit, JRemote 3.42
Here are my current DSP settings - pretty normal.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/salm4x5lekgtc2r2xqtzi/DSP_settings.jpg?rlkey=1g06jv1mu83jd3kvt3o4dfyxt&st=2ygi5du9&dl=02. Summary: I am playing a mch aiff file through JRMC_33 to my Pionner BDP-80 Elite, which drives my Bose surround system. The Pioneer is connected to a Vizio TV via HDMI. I use JReomte on my iPhone 14 pro max to control things. Works great.
I was turning everything down for the night, and I noticed that JRemote had a "play on this device" button, so I selected to route the mch audio to my iPhone.
3. Problem: If I play anything from my desktop where MC runs, I can use the DSP settings to down-sample and mix-down audio so that my computer can output it as best possible (e.g., mch => stereo; > 192K => 192K).
How can I do the same for my iPhone so that if I play a mch file, it gets properly down-sampled to 24-48 and mixed-down to stereo, which is what an iPhone can handle?
Thanks and best.