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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build  (Read 1120 times)


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This is a BETA build of JRiver Media Center 33 for Mac.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Download Universal Silicon/Intel 64 bit build
(minimum requirement MacOS 10.13)

33.0.53 (12/19/2024)

1. Changed: Added a 4 flag to the new ShellRun expression to output nothing.
2. Changed: Updated Chinese (simplified) language file (thanks YanJun Sun).
3. Changed: Updated all translations to the latest strings from the code.
4. Fixed: Genius was not working for lyrics lookup.
5. Changed: Updated German translation file (thanks Bytestar).
6. Changed: When deleting files, the option to track the removed file is now optional (they're tracked by default so re-import maintains all the data, unchecking the new option makes the files really go away).
7. Fixed: Text with custom font sizes in the PNP was drawing too small on Windows OS. Will require tweaking of custom font sizes if skin was designed on Windows.
8. Changed: MC now displays and uses system close, minimize, and full screen buttons instead of the skinned ones. "Cover View" now switches to full screen. Experimental, needs feedback.

33.0.51 (12/12/2024)

1. Fixed: Clicking dock icon would not show MC if the PNP was showing.
2. Fixed: Selecting Show Playing Now from the PNP context menu when MC was minimized would not work.
3. Fixed: Unchecking "always on top" for the PNP wasn't working, the popup always took precedence.
4. Changed: Updated Live555 to the latest version.
5. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
6. Changed: Playing Now popup settings remembers the position.
7. NEW: When dragging over tabs, the tab switch is delayed. Settle on the tab for a little and it will switch but not when just passing over.

33.0.49 (12/5/2024)

1. Changed: MCWS File/GetFilledTemplate requires authentication since expressions can be used to run things now.
2. Changed: This beta build uses alternate internet reader code that eliminates the native apple internet reader code that may have issues with hanging on newer MacOS versions (Sonoma). Needs Feedback!!
3. Changed: Expand All Under in the tree is not shown for library views because they can be incredibly slow on large libraries.
4. Fixed: When going into a library view that doesn't need the alphabet, space will no longer be reserved for it anyway. It also comes and goes as you change the search.
5. Changed: When calling ShellRun, it will return the result if you block.
6. Fixed: ShellRun was not checking the number of arguments.
7. Changed: Updated all translations to the latest strings from the code.
8. Fixed: The Playing Now popup could show for the wrong file when playing on a client.
9. Fixed: Playing Now did not show when first starting playback of a file that was already selected.
10. NEW: PNP screen position presets (top-left, bottom-right, etc.) are selectable in the Settings. The default is bottom right, but a custom position can still be set with the Move menu item.
11. Changed: If the PNP is disabled in the Settings, the popup is closed when the Settings dialog is closed.
12. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukáč).
13. NEW: Added a before playback expression.
14. NEW: Added a ShellRun expression.
15. Fixed: The right-click in Options did not work properly on pages with things above the options tree.
16. NEW: Added an expand all and collapse all right-click menu to options pages when clicking a grouping item.
17. NEW: Added support for three state tree expand buttons to show a mouse over image.
18. Changed: Reverted the DSP window shrinking added recently.
19. Fixed: Internal. Builds can return more symbols in Apple crash dumps than previously when we distribute a beta build.

33.0.44 (11/22/2024)

1. Fixed: Corrupt DSD files could crash the decoder.
2. Changed: PNP will show on startup based on the "Pop up even when playback is stopped" setting.
3. Changed: PNP re-uses open popup and slightly delays first draw to try to avoid "flashing".
4. Fixed: The WMA plugin could crash on paths over 260 characters.
5. Changed: Update Tags works on files with slashes reversed from the normal for the platform.
6. Fixed: Decoding DSD files that were corrupt could crash.
7. Changed: Add option for PNP to pop up even when playback is stopped (defaults to no).
8. NEW: Added a ZoneSwitch toolbar button to turn it on and off.
9. Changed: The new Playing Now DLNA tree item no longer includes hidden zones.
10. Changed: The DSP Studio window will grow to fit big pages but now restore to the previous smaller size when switching pages back.
11. Fixed: Fonts in PNP were not scaling properly for system display scaling.
12. Changed: Custom PNP size now includes system display scaling to match MC's UI sizing.
13. NEW: PNP skins can now specify OS-specific values.

33.0.41 (11/14/2024)

1. Birthday build ;)
2. Fixed: for real this time. A crash on Mac (Sonoma arm64 only?) when locking to initialize gnutls.

33.0.40 (11/13/2024)

1. NEW: Custom view state settings (columns, sorting, sizing) are supported on clients. See Tools > Options > Media Network > Client Options to clear and revert back to server settings.
2. Changed: Updated the default options tree image to work better with dark skins.
3. Changed: Minor change to how images are embedded in APE tags (the string before the image is stored as "[Extension]" for APE files, and "Cover Art (front).[Extension]" for WavPack and others).
4. Changed: When updating the tags from the library the cover art is resaved.
5. Changed: APE tags use a more efficient storage format for the waveform field.
6. Changed: The find and replace tool remembers the last position it was opened to.
7. Fixed: A crash on Mac (Sonoma arm64 only?) when locking to initialize gnutls. Needs feedback.

33.0.38 (11/7/2024)

1. NEW: Added a square 5x5 print output setting to the print wizard.
3. Changed: Can use custom images for the volume slider in the PNP skin (see wiki).
4. Changed: For images in PNP skin, commands can include [index] which will use the track's index given by the offset (e.g. Command="10015,[index]").
5. Fixed: Showing border for PNP would cause unwanted increase in popup window size.
6. Changed: Can now specify custom width and color for PNP border.
7. Changed: "Show" button in the PNP Settings dialog also now reloads the current skin.
8. Fixed: The new Playing Now DLNA tree item would nest zones forever.
9. Changed: Tuned the images returns by the Playing Now DLNA tree item to be the playlists icon at the root and the files in Playing Now for each zone.
10. Changed: Updated the Catalan language (thanks Josep).
11. Changed: The program would flip to Playing Now if something was playing instead of the saved startup view. If startup is "Last Location" it no longer does that.
12. NEW: Playing Now can be added to DLNA, Gizmo, etc. views that returns a list of zones and each zone returns the files in that zone.
13. Changed: Added support for the .thd file extension for TrueHD Audio.
14. Changed: Removed EnglishTiger skins and track infos.
15. Fixed: Showing Media Center again from server mode could fail to show views or crash in some configurations.
16. Fixed: In PNP, Mute image visibility would not work if there was no volume slider.
17. Fixed: Spotlight Artist pages were failing to retrieve artist images and Wikipedia descriptions.
18. Fixed: Images could go away during playback in some cases.
19. NEW: Added "Zone Index" as another variable that the player window can display.
20. NEW: Added the MCWS function Playback/AudioPathDirect to check for direct playback (also returned from Playback/AudioPath, but that returns lots more).
21. Changed: Mouse wheel zooming image playback will only stop the slideshow if the stop on manual changes option is set.
22. Fixed: Flicking an image off the screen will behave better.
23. Fixed: Quick zoom to levels didn't work nicely when a pan and zoom was running.
24. Changed: Updated Czech translation (thanks Jan Boháč).
25. NEW: Added new Sidebar skin for Playing Now Popup.
26. Changed:  Added Mute On (100) and Mute Off (101) to available HideStates for images in PNP skins.
27. NEW: Added a couple extra modes to the ListGrep(...) expression function for full string matching.
28. Changed: Slovak translation updated (thanks Peter Lukáč).
29. NEW: Added 3x4 to the choice of printing sizes.

33.0.30 (10/8/2024)

1. NEW: Added a FieldExists expression function.
2. Fixed: If a function was in an expression twice, only the first instance would show a tooltip.
3. NEW: Added [TheMovieDB Movie ID] field, and populate it during movie metadata lookup.
4. NEW: Added [IMDb Series ID] field, and populate it during series metadata lookup.
5. Changed: The focus is no longer set to the search box when opening the tag window so that the spacebar will keep pausing.
6. Changed: Tuned image playback so pan and zoom work better (feedback appreciated).
7. Fixed: Custom text heights in Playing Now Popup were not getting scaled properly for "retina mode".

33.0.27 (10/1/2024)

1. Fixed: Tabs would not always load properly when starting in server mode.
2. Fixed: The Playing Now Popup could crash.
3. Changed: Added "volume" content type to Playing Now Popup skin which is a volume slider.

33.0.25 (9/26/2024)

1. Changed: Playing Now Popup supports transparent background.
2. Changed: Added "volume" content type to Playing Now Popup skin which is a volume slider.
3. Changed: Added optional custom display expression for Playing Now Popup "showtracks" command (see Wiki).
4. Fixed: Disabled Playing Now Popup would not update when the track changes while being displayed manually.
5. NEW: Added a /BackupLibrary command line tool (takes a filename for the zip file).
6. Changed: Tweaked 3-Track Popup skin to avoid content being cut off on Mac.
7. Changed: CUE files no longer process in the Rename, Move, & Copy Files tool because it would break the links.
8. Fixed: Theater View wouldn't play the selected file when pressing play.
9. Changed: Playing Now Popup skins are now supported in .mjp files.
10. Changed: "Remove Tags" library tool now works with HEIF/HEIC image files.
11. Fixed: Moving the Playing Now Popup could cause a crash if initiated with the context menu shown from a left click.
12. Changed: The mainUI can now be resized with system commands.

33.0.22 (9/13/2024)

1. Changed: Added new command ("showtracks") for Playing Now Popup images that will popup a list of Playing Now tracks and allow selecting one to play.
2. Changed: Optimized loading of the playback engine so it will not load all the input plugins on first play or import.
3. Changed: Images in Playing Now Popup can be hidden for certain playback states.  Updated Control skin to show pause or play button as appropriate.
4. Changed: When a client streams live TV from the server, the OSD "Programs" menu will show current and next program names, instead of just the channel name, to be consistent with the behavior when using a local tuner.
5. Changed: Method of grabbing and registering file associations for MacOS. Please report any regressions.
6. Fixed: When a filename was pushed from MacOS to MC (like when dropping file(s) onto the MC Icon in the dock) it wasn't being converted to pre-composed UTF-8.
7. Changed: Disable animation of tooltip popups to prevent having to grab screen contents to create a fade in.

33.0.20 (9/6/2024)

1. Fixed: Context menu for Playing Now Popup would sometimes show when clicking on transparent part of an image.
2. Fixed: 3-Track popup skin would show hand cursor when there is no next or previous file.
3. Fixed: YouTube in Theater View could show duplicates or non-playable clips in some cases.
4. Changed: Theater View scrolls a file at a time when pressing page up and page down on the rollers when a file is zoomed into.
5. Changed: Updated Polish translation (thanks Fresta).
6. Changed: Tweaked channel mixing some more.
7. Changed: Rating in Playing Now Popup can now use custom images (see Wiki).
8. Changed: Playing Now Popup display: do not show for WDM playback, add option to show for video files, show on track change when stopped.
9. Changed: Atmos codec names have been changed back to the old format of "TrueHD Atmos" and "E-AC3 Atmos".
10. Fixed: Tuning the channel mapping for inputs and outputs above 8 channels (feedback appreciated).
11. Fixed: Theater View play all selections were not working for the last few builds.
12. Changed: Theater View returns no files instead of all the files when nothing is selected when querying with MCWS.
13. NEW: Metadata will be saved to XMP block in HEIF/HEIC images.
14. Fixed: The new playlist expressions would crash if they couldn't find the playlist (now it throws nice errors).
15. Changed: Custom colors can be specified for tooltips in Playing Now Popup (see Wiki).
16. NEW: EXIF data will be editable in HEIF images.
17. Changed: Searching options for things like "Disk Writer" work better (they had a backslash in the name so weren't being found).
18. Fixed: WMA audio files did not play properly since 33.0.2.
19. Changed: 3-Track skin for the Playing Now Popup now always goes to the previous track when clicking on the thumbnail.
20. Changed: Now can specify output file name for Playing Now Popup.
21. Changed: The video playback OSD is drawn through JRVR to minimize window management interference.
22. Fixed: Context menu for Playing Now Popup would sometimes show when clicking on transparent part of an image.
23. Fixed: 3-Track popup skin would show hand cursor when there is no next or previous file.
24. Fixed: YouTube in Theater View could show duplicates or non-playable clips in some cases.
25. Changed: Theater View scrolls a file at a time when pressing page up and page down on the rollers when a file is zoomed into.
26. Changed: Updated Polish translation (thanks Fresta).
27. Changed: Tweaked channel mixing some more.
28. Changed: 10 channel is now 5.1.4 and 12 channel is 7.1.4.  JRSS does not currently fill the height channels.
29. Fixed: Incrementing files in Theater View from the roller with page up and page down did not work nicely in thumbnail lists.
30. Fixed: There would sometimes be a crash if hovering over a missing skin image in Playing Now Popup.
31. Changed: With a client streaming live TV from the server, the behavior of changing channel using OSD menu is now consistent with that when playing live TV using local tuner, i.e. it will require pressing the Enter key to activate the change.

33.0.15 (8/27/2024)

1. NEW: Added PlaylistAdd and PlaylistRemove expression functions.
2. Changed: Playing Now Popup output files are generated when manually showing it.
3. Changed: Playback time is displayed in Popup content when stopped.
4. Fixed: Playing Now Popup would not handle output directory with missing path separator at the end.
5. NEW: Added "time" content item type for Playing Now Popup to display current playback times.
6. Changed: When dragging a file that is already imported into the program it will no longer analyze the file again.
7. Changed: Updated the "New / Improved This Version" to point to v33.
8. Fixed: Popup output image would not include background image when using alternate skin.
9. Changed: Padding channels that are marked as not having data will still be filled with input data by the mixing engine.  So 5.1 with 4 extra playing 10 channel will play the extra channels.
10. Changed: Tooltips for Playing Now Popup show even when it does not have focus.
11. Fixed: Global shortcut setting for Playing Now Popup was not sticking for most installations.
12. Changed: Default size/scaling for Playing Now Popup is now the same as the View UI size setting.


  • MC Beta Team
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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2024, 04:30:25 am »

This is a BETA build of JRiver Media Center 33 for Mac.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.
33.0.53 (12/19/2024)
8. Changed: MC now displays and uses system close, minimize, and full screen buttons instead of the skinned ones. "Cover View" now switches to full screen. Experimental, needs feedback.

Whilst Media Center is a Multi-Platform (Windows, Linux and Mac) Software Package the Standard View Skins available for use with it fall into 2 Categories:-
The Platform Independent Group; which only display Microsoft Windows Style Minimise, Maximise/Restore and Close Buttons aligned to the the right-hand end of the Top Toolbar
The Platform Dependant Group; which Display Microsoft Windows Style Minimise, Maximise/Restore and Close Buttons aligned to the right-hand end of the Top Toolbar on the Win and Linux Platforms or the Apple Style Close, Minimise and Maximise/Restore Buttons aligned to the the left-hand end of the Top Toolbar on the Mac Platform

N.B. Whilst the Platform Independent Group of Skins contains most of the skins that were created during the period when Media Center was a MS Windows Only Software Package it does include some skins that were created since it become a Multi-Platform Software Package.
But which set and location of Windows Control Buttons get used isn't the only difference between the 2 Groups of Skins; for Both Groups on the Widows and Linux Platforms those buttons are aligned to the the right-hand end of the Top Toolbar they can safely align everything else that appears on the Top Toolbar, the Menus and Shortcut Icons to the the left-hand end of it.

But if the Close, Minimise and Maximise/Restore Buttons are aligned to the the left-hand end of the Top Toolbar on the Mac the skin has to also include platform specific instructions that specify where the first entry on the Top Toolbar, Shortcut Icons, are to be placed. When those platform specific instructions are not present then the Close, Minimise and Maximise/Restore Buttons and the Top Toolbar Shortcut Icons will end up in the same part of the Top Toolbar when Skins from the First Group are used.

The first attached image shows the Playing Now View TopBar + PlayerBar for the ET Platinum Jubilee, Aruba, Blue Steel and ThunderStorm Skins in MC33.0.44 and then MC33.0.53

But there are other reasons why the AppleOS Windows Control Buttons should never replace the one's built into the Media Center UI.
AppleOS Windows Control Buttons are "Dumb" buttons, they will only ever do what the Cupertino Dictatorship want them to do.
Media Center UI Windows Control Buttons are "Smart" buttons, especially the Close Button, that change purpose/function to match the MC view they are being used with.
In Standard View, Mini-View, Display View and Cover View the the AppleOS Close Button will always close MC.
But it is only in Standard View and Mini-View where the MC Close Button will/can close MC, although there is an Option in MC that allows the user to change how the Min-View Close button works.
In Cover View and Display View the MC Close Button closes the Current View and Reopens the View that was in use prior to entering Cover or Display View
In Min-View when the Tools > Options > Behaviour > Mini View close mode is set to Return To Standard View clicking on the Close Button will do exactly that.

In Cover View the Player Bar that should appear when you hover the mouse near the top of the MC Window only has a Minimise and Close Button when the MC UI is in use, because MC, unlike the Apple OS, is intelligent enough to know you can't Maximise a fullscreen window
In Display View the Player Bar that appears when you hover the mouse near the top of the MC Window displays the Close, Minimise and Maximise/Restore Buttons when the MC UI is in use and there is a reason why the Maximise/Restore Button is there, MC uses it to switch between the 2 Display Variants, the one with a Dropdown Playerbar and the one where the Playerbar is locked into the Display View Window.
When the Apple Windows Control Buttons are in use none of the Apple Windows Control Buttons are displayed.
In Mini-View the MC Window only has a Minimise and Close Button when the MC UI is in use because MC knows that the only size change that can be made the to Mini-View Playerbar size is to make it wider/narrower because it is the one part of the MC UI that can not be made shorter or taller.
But when the AppleOS Buttons are in use, other than the exceptions already mentioned, all 3 are always displayed and if you click anywhere in the MC Window they get replaced by dummy mono-colour images and you have to click in an empty part of the MC Top Toolbar to get the Active Buttons to re-appear. However sometimes you have to move the mouse off the top of the screen to get an Apple Menu bar to appear that will have Active Windows Control Buttons on it.

There's another reason why the AppleOS Windows Control Buttons should never be used in MC, MC Standard View Skin Creators put a lot of time and effort into creating skins that often have different characteristics, unlike the Cupertino App UI Assembly Line where doing something different is probably an offence that would result in immediate dismissal.

Out of the 3 Windows Control Buttons there is only 1 that does exactly the same thing when either the ones from the MC UI or the Apple OS are in use and that's the Minimise One.

And as for Sequoia's New Resize/Position Options when used in conjunction with Media Center you could be forgiven for thinking they were designed and programmed by a 5 year old.
I was daft, or maybe that should be stupid, enough to see what happened if I used some of those recommended layouts and very quickly learned never to do it again because every time I did click it I ended up spending ages manually resizing the result into a Window that resembled something MC normally uses; including having to resize the window in multiple stages.

So not only should the change in MC33.0.53 to replace the MC Main UI Windows Control Buttons with the AppleOS ones be be reversed the use of the AppleOS Window Control Buttons on the popup windows, i.e. Options and DSP Windows should be replaced with the MC UI ones because they also provide access to those pathetic Apple Window Positioning and Resize Routines.

The second attached image shows MC33.0.43 in Mini-View above the MacOS pathetic attempt at Maximising it. What is interesting is that the Display Panel which is a separate image/window and should not even be present in Mini-View, the Absolute Ignorance built into those AppleOS resize routines manages to include in the badly constructed maximised image.

P.S. The Apple Control Panel contains a setting that enables the MC Cover View Window to be displayed "Full Screen" without having to resort to using the AppleOs Windows Control Buttons.

Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

ET Skins, TrackInfo Plugins and Other Goodies -


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2024, 02:28:21 pm »

The main reason we are experimenting with this is that the system buttons also allow the positioning of the window which has been a requested feature. Feedback like yours is useful in deciding where to go with this. Thanks.

Awesome Donkey

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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2024, 04:26:19 pm »

Yeah, I think some of those skins will need modifications to look better on macOS if going this direction. Thankfully it looks like Platform support for the top border images exists.

Here's a "fixed" MainFrame_TopBorder_Mac.png for the ThunderStorm skin...

I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.1 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones

Awesome Donkey

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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2024, 04:59:06 pm »

And here's a new MainFrame_TopBorder_Mac.png that can be used with Blue Steel (didn't have time to do any main.xml edits to actually add it). I don't know how much space is needed to accommodate the macOS Spotlight buttons, but I made an educated guess.
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.1 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2024, 04:30:45 am »

And here's a new MainFrame_TopBorder_Mac.png that can be used with Blue Steel (didn't have time to do any main.xml edits to actually add it). I don't know how much space is needed to accommodate the macOS Spotlight buttons, but I made an educated guess.

AD - On all 3 Platforms the Spotlight buttons only ever appear on the Tab Bar and then only in Standard View.

I had a go at trying to use your MainFrame_TopBorder_Mac.png for Blue Steel and unfortunately, for reasons I can't fathom, the MC Logo + the  words Media Center ended up getting badly stretched along the horizontal axis.

But there is another skin "WMP10" on the accessories page that may prove to be just as problematic to change if the decision is made to adopt the use of the AppleOS Windows Control Buttons.
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

ET Skins, TrackInfo Plugins and Other Goodies -

Awesome Donkey

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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2024, 09:50:47 am »

Ooooof on Blue Steel. :-\

What about ThunderStorm? Does it at least look better?
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.1 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones

Awesome Donkey

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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2024, 10:11:18 am »

Okay, I think I (partially) fixed Blue Steel and added Platform support for both TopBorder and the TopBar menu in main.xml. I don't have a Mac currently so I can't test it to see if it looks any better. The caveat is the text may be a bit off still so some columns and/or row tweaks for the TopBorder Mac platform entry will probably be needed to be 100% exact to the original. I never really figured out how the columns and row stuff worked so I made a guess but (hopefully) it should be an improvement at least.
I don't work for JRiver... I help keep the forums safe from "male enhancements" and other sources of sketchy pharmaceuticals.

Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit + Ubuntu 24.10 Oracular Oriole 64-bit (AMD 7900X CPU/AMD 7800 XT GPU/64GB RAM/2TB M.2 NVMe SSD)
macOS Sequoia 15.3.1 (M4 Mac Mini 16GB RAM/256GB SSD)
Windows 11 24H2 Update 64-bit (Intel N305 Fanless NUC 16GB RAM/500GB M.2 NVMe SSD)
JRiver Media Center 33 (Windows + Mac + Linux) | iFi ZEN DAC 3 | JBL 306P MkII Studio Monitors | Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones


  • MC Beta Team
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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2024, 12:42:24 pm »

Okay, I think I (partially) fixed Blue Steel and added Platform support for both TopBorder and the TopBar menu in main.xml. I don't have a Mac currently so I can't test it to see if it looks any better. The caveat is the text may be a bit off still so some columns and/or row tweaks for the TopBorder Mac platform entry will probably be needed to be 100% exact to the original. I never really figured out how the columns and row stuff worked so I made a guess but (hopefully) it should be an improvement at least.

AD - your guess was perfect and no adjustments are needed, I also checked it out on the win pc - attached image 1
Your mod the the ThunderStorm skin is also perfect but my granddaughter came up with a version of ThunderStorm that replaces the windows close, maximise/resize and minimise buttons with proper Apple ones and in the correct order for an an Apple App if the decision is to abandon the use of the "flat" AppleOS buttons. - attached image 2

P.S. I tested it in MC33.0.44 which doesn't use the AppleOS buttons but by comparing that image with the one for MC33.0.53 I was able to see that the AppleOS buttons would not interfere with your positioning of thr logo and text
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

ET Skins, TrackInfo Plugins and Other Goodies -


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2024, 01:43:26 am »


I am using for a recent albums view a rule which is: date imported (of files) is in last 8 weeks. That worked as designed until version 33.51. Suddenly when I open Recent Albums View it imported all the albums that I have on a disc.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2025, 12:26:32 am »

I have another Mac Mini with the backup audio files and on that Mac Mini I have installed also the latest version of JRiver. Interestingly I do not have that problem on that machine. When I looked into the rules defined in that JRiver I saw that I have one additional rule: MediaType is Audio. So I applied the same rule in addition to existing one on the first machine but nothing changed. Very strange.

I am not sure whether this is worth looking at, but it is a bit strange ...


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2025, 05:45:52 am »

<<<Changed: MC now displays and uses system close, minimize, and full screen buttons instead of the skinned ones. "Cover View" now switches to full screen. Experimental, needs feedback.>>>

Many thanks for this. It finally works like a normal Mac program!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 33.0.53 BETA for Mac Silicon/Intel Universal build
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2025, 03:55:25 pm »

<<<Changed: MC now displays and uses system close, minimize, and full screen buttons instead of the skinned ones. "Cover View" now switches to full screen. Experimental, needs feedback.>>>

Many thanks for this. It finally works like a normal Mac program!
It's experimental, there are people arguing both ways on keeping them. If you note anything weird report it here. Thanks.
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