Well - further update - I found a more recent backup from November of last year (yes, Bob - all on a Mac) that appears to have all the files still in a functioning way - and restored that. All of the SACDs had the “filename.iso;trackno.” pattern on all of the tracks - and they all play correctly. Ran an import last night to bring in everything else I had added since November. It’s still running analysis on the audio files, but so far - fingers crossed - the ISO files are listed in the filename field the way they should be.
No idea what could have happened (or even WHEN it happened, other than the fact that the couple of December backups I tried to restore, already had the SACD filenames messed up. So some time in December is when it went wonky. I’m going to chalk it up to a corrupted database for now. I’ll report back when the analysis is done, but I don’t foresee that causing additional problems. When it’s all done, assuming it’s good, I’ll manually do a back up to have a starting point if there is an issue.
Thanks for your patience - and THANK YOU for the automatic library backups - this is not the first time they’ve saved me a lot of work!