I recently upgraded from JRiver 29 to V33, and I've noticed a difference in how the import configuration works.
In V29, when assigning a value to a list field like [Keywords], the value would be added if the field was blank or appended if there was an existing value. However, in V33, the value is added when the field is blank but overwrites any existing value instead of appending to it. In V29, I used the checkbox option "Skip for files that already have a value in this field" to control assigning or overwriting a value.
Was this change intentional, or is it a bug? Personally, I preferred how this part of the import process worked in V29.
Below is an example of how my configuration functions. Essentially, it checks the [Name] field to see if a specific keyword exists. If the keyword is found, it’s assigned to the [Keywords] field. Then, the first keyword is removed from the [Name] field to allow the process to search for Keyword2, and so on.
Configuration Example:
Field: Keywords
Value: =IfCase([Name],8,Keyword1,Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword2,Keyword3,Keyword3)
Field: Name
Value: =Replace([Name],ListItem([Keywords], 0),,1)
Field: Keywords
Value: =IfCase([Name],8,Keyword1,Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword2,Keyword3,Keyword3)
Field: Name
Value: =Replace([Name],ListItem([Keywords], 1),,1)
Field: Keywords
Value: =IfCase([Name],8,Keyword1,Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword2,Keyword3,Keyword3)
Field: Name
Value: =Replace([Name],ListItem([Keywords], 2),,1)