a few possibly small items
1) make the search list bigger (let it take a larger %age of the space), see attached for example, it is harder than it needs to be to skim the list
2) allow for additional filter fields, by year or range of years in particular would be useful (e.g. how themoviedb has this line on their site "You can use the 'y:' filter to narrow your results by year. Example: 'star wars y:1977'") and also by source, for example it would be nice if you could search for a title and then it populated a few multiselect boxes with the actual years in the resultset + the sources so you could filter further
3) improve how foreign (not english) language films are handled, e.g. I was just searching for
https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/44018-sans-toit-ni-loi?language=en-GB but just searching for vagabond (
https://www.themoviedb.org/search?query=vagabond&language=en-GB) without any other filter (such as year) means that it's well down the list