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Author Topic: Can't play protected tracks on Windows 7 - Windows Media DRM problem [Solution]  (Read 17913 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I recently upgraded my computer and my DRM system broke.  When I tried to log into the Performer Media Center store it said I couldn't play protected content.  Then I went to the Microsoft DRM upgrade web page but the "Upgrade" button was greyed out (disabled).

The Windows Media DRM folder needed to be deleted or renamed before the above step would work.  Here's how to find and delete that folder on Windows 7:

Here's the plain text if the above link doesn't work anymore:
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Hi rambohacker,
Thanks for posting to Getting Ready for Windows 7 community forum.

To reset the DRM system on the computer, follow these steps: 1.Verify that the Show hidden files and folders option is turned on. To do this, follow these steps:
Windows 7 1.Start Windows Explorer. To do this, click Start, type userinit.exe in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.
 2.Click Organize, and then click Folder and Search Options.
3.Click the View tab.
4.Click the option beside SHOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDERS - click Apply - click OK
2.Locate the DRM folder on the computer. Typically, the DRM folder is located in the following location.
 Note In these paths, drive represents the drive on which Windows is installed.
 Windows 7 ◦Windows 7 x86-based versions
◦Windows 7 x64-based versions

3.Rename the DRM folder to DRMbackup. 1.Right-click the DRM folder, and then click Rename.
2.Type DRMbackup, and then press ENTER.
3.Close Windows Explorer.

4.If you receive an “Access denied” error message when you try to rename your DRM folder, start the computer in safe mode and log in as the computer administrator. To do this, follow these steps: 1.Restart the computer and start pressing the F8 key on your keyboard. On a computer that is configured to start multiple operating systems, press the F8 key when the Boot menu appears.
2.Select the safe mode option when the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, and then press ENTER.
5.Reset the DRM security component. To do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site, and then follow the steps to upgrade the DRM security component: (
Note When you access this site through Internet Explorer on a Windows 7-based computer, you may receive a "user account control" popup message that requires that you enter the administrator password to continue.
Note If you are running Windows 7 x64 and the Upgrade button on the site listed earlier in this step appears dimmed, you will have to start Internet Explorer by using an account on the computer that has Administrative privileges in order to continue.
6.Sign in to the Zune Marketplace. Then try to play a song to verify that the issue has been resolved.
 7.Restore the setting of the Hidden files and folders option. To do this, follow these steps:
 8.Windows 7 1.Start Windows Explorer. To do this, click Start, type userinit.exe in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.
 2.Click Organize, and then click Folder and Search Options.
3.Click the View tab.
4.Click Advanced Settings.
5.Under Hidden files and folders, click Do not show hidden files and folders, click to select the Hide Protected Operating System files (recommended) check box, and then click OK.

Please let us know if this assist you in resolving the issue or if further assistance is needed.

Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
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John Thompson, JRiver Media Center
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