I'm not normally shy about installing beta software, but for now I've stalled on version 9.0.88 as it seems to be the most stable build recently.
There's a couple of minor things here that used to work for me in previous builds but don't now.
I'm uncertain whether these are MC bugs or "user configuration errors"
Can anyone help me out with these?
1. Startup mode is set to "last exit mode". If that was "minimised to tray" then the next time MC starts it starts as a "restored" window, not minimised. I liked it starting minimised as I use multimedia keyboard shortcut keys, and with 2 keypresses I could be listening to "playing now" on a MC minimised in the tray.
2. Although "automatically import files" is checked, d'clicking a file in explorer does not import it to the library. "Right-click > import" works ok.
3. In MJ8 there was an option somewhere to export the library in a choice of formats, html, csv etc. I can't find this option in MC9. Has it been dumped?
atm, media center is not for the faint-hearted, but as a relatively new user, I love it. I think when it's done it's gonna be one killer app. really interesting watching its developement from the wings, so to speak.
Cash well spent imo.
Thank you.