Hi all:
I initially was having trouble with the track # being read incorrectly from my ID3 tags, but I figured out what the problem was, and I figured I'd document it here in case anyone else runs into the same issue.
I normally use a separate tag editor to make sure all my files have proper v1 and v2 tags before adding them to my collection, and I'm pretty meticulous about it -- with MJv8 I could just point MJ at my MP3s and pow, perfect library database.
With MJ9, suddenly my track numbers weren't being read. The Track # field for most files read as blank, with a few files here and there having "32" as the track number.
The problem was that the tag editor I was using lets you save your v2 track numbers in track/total format (e.g. "01/08" for the first track in an 8-song album), and I had used this format. I used a different program to get rid of the /total part on some files as a test ("01/08" became just "01"), and now MJ9 reads the track numbers perfectly.
I'm going to change all my files over to plain track number format, because really this is better practice (not mixing two different pieces of info in one data field), but given the apparent change in how MJ handles this in version 9 I figured I might not be the only person who runs into it.
Cheers, -Christopher