MusicLobby 1.75 Released!
It's now available and free for all MusicLobby registered users.
*Fixed: Zone control in single-zone installations was dropping the 'R' in 'MEDIA CENTER'
*Fixed: 'Playlist is empty' dialog in MC when appending to an empty playlist and pressing large 'Play' button.
+Added: Ability to change base view scheme by adding &baseScheme=Media Library\Audio\ to musiclobby.ini
+Added: Equalizer with zone selection and balance adjustment
+Added: Ability to set Play Behavior to plug-in
+Added: Ability to quick-jump on scroll bars by pressing empty area
+Added: Browse by cover art
+Added: Ability to hide/move transport controls
+Added: Ability to move Zone Control
+Added: Jukebox Mode
+Added: Ability to move volume control
+Added: Ability to hide/move progress indicator
*Fixed: Cover art not displaying correctly in Valet mode
*Fixed: Loop errors would cause MC to go to 100% CPU
+Added: Ability to press cover in Valet mode to change to next/previous track
+Added: Configure up to 4 Quick-Launch buttons
+Added: Options Menu to transition between screens
+Added: Jukebox background skin
Jukebox Command Codes
0000 00 Show Now Playing
8888 XX Set volume to XX
9999 00 show this dialog
9999 10 toggle play/append mode
9999 20 clear playlist
9999 30 previous zone
9999 31 next zone
9999 40 previous track
9999 49 pause
9999 50 play
9999 51 stop
9999 60 next track
9999 69 volume down
9999 70 mute
9999 71 volume up
9999 80 toggle continuous play
9999 90 shuffle playlist
9999 98 minimize mainlobby
9999 99 exit jukebox
Here's a final image of the new jukebox screen.
This image was reduced to 800x600. Looks great on a 1024x768 display like the ProGear webtablet.

Oh - and don't forget MusicLobby's little brother - mini-MusicLobby for the Pocket PC.