Windows > Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins

GetPlayingNow with popups:

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Here is a screenshot of the popup:

Here's the download link:

Here's what's new:

1)  Added slimline skin
2)  Added ability to specify 16x16 thumbnail which resizes the 64x64 one
3)  Added ability to align the ratings
4)  Added ability to specify size of border on background skin to make popups look neater
5)  Added transparency option for Windows 2000/XP users
6)  Speeded up parsing of INI
7)  Refactored entire popup drawing code to almost match how MSN works
8)  Popup dynamically handles placement of taskbar, i.e. if you move the taskbar after showing the popup it recalculates it's new position.
9)  Fixed issue where time to show/hide was now being used properly
10) Fixed issue where thumbnail centering position calculation was wrong

Check the GetPlayingNow.ini and the default skin config file for a description of each of the entries.

As I have mentioned before the setup will overwrite the Default skin, so if you have made any changes you had better back them up.

Ahhhh ... the wonderful "Supers Ready" ... I find myself singing that on an almost weekly basis!

Anyway #1 is already there ... Alt+Ctrl+F8 ... check the GetPlayingNow.ini file.

#2 may be do-able ... I'll need to give it some thought.

#3 is a biggie and I don't know if I will do that just yet.

Wow ..its looking good..starts up behind the task bar as desired. i notice its a bit slower to pop up now, so took a look at the config.ini, set TimeToShow=10, made no diff at all.

Pls could we have it faster. not sure what im doing wrong. I did check it was the right config as well. tried it with the default skin no diff.

--- Quote ---.  In line with number 2, it would be great to be able to click on the stars to set the rating.  The hotkey would let the user even pop it up mid song to do it.
--- End quote ---

there is already a way to pop up mid-song its CTRL+ALT+F8 ...i set it to win+p (much easier)

regarding the rating in the popup, i wanted this as well, then got used to making a toolbar for it and it works quite well. i am not aginst having the ability to rate in the pop up at all. but if you want to replay a tune, the tool bar is useful as u can skip to previous with it.

In fact i asked to have the popup show behind the task bar as it was obscuring the toolbar.

Bug fixed, current version now pops up from the task bar top edge. Looks great!



--- Quote ---Wow ..its looking good..starts up behind the task bar as desired. i notice its a bit slower to pop up now, so took a look at the config.ini, set TimeToShow=10, made no diff at all.

Pls could we have it faster. not sure what im doing wrong. I did check it was the right config as well. tried it with the default skin no diff.
--- End quote ---

Firstly the value in the INI file is wrong, it should be 500 milliseconds; but also consider the following:

1)  The time to display is 100 milliseconds.
2)  The height of the background image is 120 pixels.
3)  I use the Windows SetTimer function.

Now if we do a quick calculation Windows will have to notify my window every millisecond to get the window on the screen smoothly.

Unfortunately Windows is not that good at timers and there is a minimum amount of time it spends before it posts the next message.

That's why even with a smaller number there is no perceivable time to display difference.


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