Windows > Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins

GetPlayingNow with popups:

(1/3) > >>

Here is a screenshot of the popup:

Here's the download link:

Here's what's new:

1) Added colour support to text fields.
2) Added cleartype support.
3) Added ALT+CTRL+F8 as a hotkey to show the currentply playing track in a popup.
4) A text component width and height can now be specified relative to the right or bottom of the background.
  For example a background width of 300 pixels with a text component's left position at 100 with a width of
  -10 would create an allowable width size of 190.
5) Support three thumbnail types now, small, medium and large.   Check the ThumbnailType entry in config.ini.
6) Font name wasn't working

Check the default skin config file for a description of the entries.

As I have mentioned before the setup will overwrite the Default skin, so if you have made any changes you had better back them up.

This is a great addition to MC, but is there any possibility of getting the ability to remove the sound that accompanies the pop-up's appearance?  Not that it has to be removed completely, but just a switch to turn it on and off.


--- Quote ---This is a great addition to MC, but is there any possibility of getting the ability to remove the sound that accompanies the pop-up's appearance?  Not that it has to be removed completely, but just a switch to turn it on and off.
--- End quote ---

You can do that by editing the file config.ini
Just write the semicolon in front of line

You can find a shortcut to that file from the Start Menu:
GetPlayingNow1.0\Edit Default Skin Configuration

Rhino, fantastic plugin. I agree that a way to toggle the sound would be nice, but I don't think I mind it too much when it's on. Thanks for this very handy plugin.

Edit: Alright, the config file workaround seems to get the job done. Thanks.

This is fantastic.  Only complaint is that it pops up over the start bar even though that is set to be always on top.

Also, I may have just missed this but is there any way to adjust the size of the entire pop-up?  Right now it's way too big for the tiny amount of information I'm wanting to display.



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