Windows > Plug-in Development

COM/Ole Automation No Worky

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Maybe I'm a total idiot, but I've tried both Delphi 7 and C#/.NET to control Media Center via out of process automation.

In both environments I get a "Class not registered" error, or one of a similar nature.

Am I missing something?  Do I have to regsvr32 something?


You receive the message because you are trying to use GetActiveObject. If you receive the error from the function call CreateInstance.

For more info see MJAutomation documentation:


I get it both ways.

In delphi,

var test:Variant;

test=CreateOleObject("MediaJukebox Application");

That yeilds a "Invalid class string".  Doing it with GetActiveOleObject() gets the same error.

In C#, I've used the standard:

IMJAutomation mj=new MJAutomation();


IMJAutomation mj=(IMJAutomation)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("MediaJukebox Application");

Both yielding in class not registered errors.  I suspect this is a registry issue?  I dunno.  I'm confused.

Thanks :)

What build of MediaCenter are you using?

Have you tried rebooting the machine?  I have run into errors before with OLE that go away with a reboot (especially just after installing new software or running into a crash in an app using OLE).


Media Center Registered 9.0.180

I've tried rebooting, but no go.  Wondering if I should re-install it.  

I've scanned my registry for MediaCenter but there is nothing that indicates any type of OLE Automation Server has been registered.  

Are there registry settings I should try?


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