Windows > Plug-in Development

winamp control emulator source code here



I have a multimedia keyboard that only works with winamp
and I use some programs that read the currently playing track from winamp (evillyrics & cureinfo)

I hacked together a limited winamp emulator interface plugin, so now everything works again....

you can get the source code here , if you are interested....

only tested with media center 9.1.251

don't run this plugin together with winamp !


Marcel Houweling
The Netherlands

Any chance someone could put up a working, compiled version of this plugin?  I can't seem to compile it properly on my machine.

Also, does anyone have a link to the Visual Studio .NET upgrade?  I notice the solution and project files for this plugin are version 7.10, but I only have 7.0 here, and haven't been able to find the update on MS's site.

download above zip file again, I added the DLL.

just copy it to the plugins directory and use regsvr32 to register the dll.
(assuming you have all the correct runtime dll's, I only tried it on XP and W2K server)

re : Visual Studio .NET upgrade

it is not a free update, you have to purchase it (for a low fee)


Marcel Houweling


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