Windows > Plug-in Development

Creating a new field?


I'm trying to write an out-of-proc automation tool that might need to set a field that doesn't yet exist in MC.  I've tried calling MJFileAutomation::Set with a field name that doesn't exist, but the function fails.  Is there any automation to create a new field or am I out of luck here?  

(Note that it is not critical that I be able to create the field (the program will work without the feature I was adding), I was just surprised that I couldn't find a way to do it.)


I don't think this is Possable

But If you put this in and save it to a new field that does not exist like

SaveChartInfoToField: A Field A User Selects
MyComment: Info Read That Is In Field SaveChartInfoToField

On Error Resume Next

'Save To Field
Response = MJFile.Set(SaveChartInfoToField, MyComment)

' Save To File Now!
Response = MJFile.SaveToTag()

end Sub

Does that still save this info to the Media File?

then if a user Imports that Media File In MC9 Does It Auto Create The Field?


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