Open the form, add the controls that I specified and name them too (a text box, button, timer, etc..)
Add a reference to the mj's library.
Add a class to the project and use all that wierd code. The wierd code works great and you shouldnt really have to fiddle in there at all.
Okay, a programmer friend without media jukebox obviously couldn't compile this (perhaps if he copied the library?) so I installed VB6 on one of my machines w/ Media Jukebox installed.
I created a new OCX which gave me a blank form. It defaulted to a name of UserControls1, so I left it at that. I dropped down cmdInterval (command button), txtInterval (text box), and Timer1 (timer).
I added a new class and it defaulted to a name of Class1, so I left it at that. I copied all of the code from the two code posts and pasted it into that class (in the order of the posts).
Then I attempted to make mjtest.ocx. This gave me a compile error popup.
Compile Error:
Expected: End of Statement
nLength As Long
lpSecurityDescriptor As Long
bInheritHandle As Long
End Type
The As in the second line above is highlighted when the compile error comes up. Also, the three indented lines are in red.
Is there something obvious I am doing wrong?
I am obviously not a VB programmer, so this is getting beyond me. I hope to grab my friend Mike and have him look at it on my computer.