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Author Topic: IPOD  (Read 26965 times)


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« Reply #100 on: December 19, 2002, 08:53:48 am »


What happens if you upload the files instead of synching them? Try dragging the files onto the "IPOD" icon and then choose "Upload".


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« Reply #101 on: December 19, 2002, 09:18:50 am »

I uploaded the files instead of synching them, but I came up with the same result.  When I right-click on the IPOD icon and select "show all files", the files that are missing show up there.  When I click on playlists, all of my playlists are there as well.  According to MC, all of my files have already been synched to the iPod, but some of them don't show up on my iPod, like my playlists.


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« Reply #102 on: December 19, 2002, 09:49:04 am »



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« Reply #103 on: December 19, 2002, 09:55:49 am »

Still having problems syncing files even with new plugin. It is a little better. When it is uploading songs it got to the last song and then crashed! SAys Mediacore encounted aproblem and needs to close. I tried your suggestion to Henleyfan regarding dragging the files and then uploading them. It worked somewhat.
The songs are there but no playlists transfered    
Media Jukebox  9.0.88 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium 4 1387 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 523 MB, Free - 345 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2800.1106 / ComCtl32.dll: 6.00.2800.1106 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2800.1106
Shell32.dll: 6.00.2800.1106 / wnaspi32.dll: Internal ASPI Layer

Ripping /   Drive D:   Copy mode:ModeBurstBigBuffer   CD Type:Auto   Read speed:Max
 Drive E:   Copy mode:ModeBurstBigBuffer   CD Type:Auto   Read speed:Max
 Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: No /  Copy volume: 32767
 Eject after ripping: No /  Play sound after ripping: No  

Burning /  Drive E: SONY CD-RW  CRX160E   Addr: 1:1:0  Speed:12  MaxSpeed:12  Lib:2  GHS:1  Use MJ Engine:No
 Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Two second gap: No /  Write CD-Text: No
 Use playback settings: No /  Normalization: None


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« Reply #104 on: December 19, 2002, 09:59:43 am »

I reformatted my iPod drive, and then re-synched my music collection.  I now have 480 songs on my iPod, and my playlists are back.  I will try ripping the songs that didn't synch again, because I think they were done using Musicmatch Jukebox.  Even if I can't get the 10-15 songs on my iPod, I am happy enough.  Thanks for all your help Steve, I greatly appreciate it! ;D


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« Reply #105 on: December 19, 2002, 11:08:09 am »


Uploading the files the way you did is not designed to automatically create playlists.


Can anyone duplicate what Tou is seeing?




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« Reply #106 on: December 19, 2002, 11:46:12 am »

I tried Henleyfan suggestion  and reformatted my ipod and i deleted all my songs in my music library and then resynced my music collection and it still crashed!

I did notice one thing that might help

I have 649 songs on my computer
It was on the 200 songs when I got the message
Mediacore has encountered a problem and needs to close.
When it was approaching say the 195 song it said it only had maybe 10 seconds to complete the download. I saw I had a problem right there.
There is no way it is going to download the rest of the songs in that matter of time.
When the 10 seconds were counted down it crashed.
I hope this info helps you :-/      


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« Reply #107 on: December 19, 2002, 06:14:14 pm »


Just some random issues and requests.

1. I'm still getting periodic freezes on the Sync Status dialog.  It doesn't always happen, but tonight I fired up MC, clicked my iPod, selected sync and said OK.  I hadn't made any changes to anything.  It went to song 66 of 2505 and froze.  It then completed fine.  The only thing I did do was before sync I clicked on one of my Smartlists called "Random Day of Tunes" which is a random 8 hours of music. I do this to refresh it before sync so it gets updated (don't know if I have to do that by the way). **EDIT**: just did another sync and I got a freeze again--it eventually complete, just the status stops.  Did something get broken?  I'm using .34.  

2. Per my above statement, the syncing on a playlist didn't achieve the desired results. Here is what I do: I have a playlist that is very simple: 8 hours of music, sort=random.  In theory what I would expect is that if I re-sync that playlist would automatically get updated with a new list of 8 hours of music.  I just did a sync (first clicking on the Playlist in MC to "update" it).  And the playlist has the same songs on it from before the sync.  Why would this be?  Is it expected that I first delete the playlist?  Seems to me that that goes against what a sync should do.

3. It would be nice if you could add a Sequence column to the Playlist view of the iPod.  That way you could tell what the order is going to be.  My suggestion would be to make this the default sort order.

4. Formatting an iPod that has a lot of songs on it results in the status dialog getting stuck still.  It stops at 1/3 and sits there.  It should progress more evenly.

5. Would love to get some advance word on what you think about updating playcounts from the iPod.  Any news on that?

6. I had put a post in a while ago on a suggestion for setting up MC so that it could detect whether or not an iPod had been formatted for MC.  If not, a wizard would launch, walking the user through the format process.  To refresh your memory, my suggestion was to put a file on the iPod, then on launch of MC (or focus brought to the iPod in MC) a query would be done to determine if the file is present.  If not, launch the wizard.  This is basically what Xplay does.  Just thought that would help the newer users (what with Xmas coming, there will be a lot of them).

7. Any possibility of getting rid of the requirement to name the iPod's volume name "iPod"?  I understand the requirement, just so you know, Xplay's setup wizard (mentioned above) has you "Name" the ipod.  If it's a strict requirement to have MC know the name of the ipod, it's possible that you could have this as part of the Format for MC wizard noted above.  That way you'd kill two birds with one stone as they say.  

8. Where the heck are those pretty iCons (:)) Man, I want a nice little iPod there.....

10. Strangely you haven't heard me screaming for Album/Artist sync anymore.  While I still would think it's a great idea, I've gone over to the dark side (my young Skywalker) and am using smartlists.  Kurt would be proud of his Padawan learner.

11. Please: get rid of the ugly old "uploading" status dialog could ya?   ;) Make it match our friend the Sync status dialog.  OK, if anybody disagrees, I'll consider giving in.  

12. Now that it looks like we have the Update Tags option working, can I ask maybe a silly question.  Other folks chime in on this one: Why would you ever uncheck this box?  I mean, is there an instance where you wouldn't want the tags to match the changes you made in MC?  If that's the case, suggest this option be defaulted to "ON" and the checkbox just removed.  Make it do it every time you sync.  I like the option to check/uncheck the Delete Files option. Keep that one, but the other one...well, I just think it should be always on.

13.  On that note: at one point you said the Sync dialog would "remember" your last options as far as Update Tags and Delete Files.  That doesn't seem to be working

14. Is it possible to auto-expand the Playlist tree when the sync dialog is displayed so that tree items that have Playlists pre-selected are automatically displayed?

15. Suggest that you remove the Auto Smartlists (Video & Image) playlist group from the sync dialog.  Can't use it, why should it be there right?

16. Would really love to see some method other than write clicking to get to iPod functions.  Hey, what about adding toolbar options?  Could you add a new toolbar group as part of the portables plugin?  Man, would *that* be cool.  I can see it now, even with nifty iPod iCons.  iSaw Kurt start writing like this and iRemember him saying that it was hard to stop.  Now iKnow what he meant.  :).  OK, iMoving on.  Really though, any way to get some BUTTONs instead of right-clicking would be cool.

17. If possible, is there a way to prevent the "Cannot Find Plugin" if you don't have the iPod selected and you try and sync off of it.  Minor issue, but new users will be confused and really, it shouldn't do that.

Guess that's enough, sorry for the novella.




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« Reply #108 on: December 19, 2002, 07:16:06 pm »

I am having some similar problems with my Ipod and MC9. I reformatted the Ipod and transferred the files in the media library back to the Ipod (702 tracks). All but one album transferred (weird). No matter what I tried none of the tracks in the album would go into the Ipod. Finally, I deleted the entire album from the media library and from the souce folder. I had a complete backup of the "\my music" folder on another drive. I copied it to the original \my music folder and it loaded into the Ipod. I guess something was corrupt with the files/tags (but they looked fine).

Now I can't completely synch the playlists. If I synch the tracks using "transfer all" all goes well with the 702 tracks. When I use "select all" it gets through about 10% and the progress screen freezes. I tried it several times and the progress screen would freeze at anywhere from 380 to 520 of 5191. I tried unchecking all but "all music" and got an instant 'mediacore' crash. Strange, but when I unchecked everything but "recently imported -- imported today" (which they all were) it worked fine.  ?

BTW, I switched from plugin 33 to 34 and didn't see any change. Also, if I wait well over a minute, the freeze 'thaws' and I get control of MC again with no apparent trouble in the program.  ;D

Kurt Young

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« Reply #109 on: December 19, 2002, 09:31:45 pm »

HAHA!!  Adam, dude, you crack me up.  I'm glad you've come over here to the dark side, bro.  ("Now, I can shoot lightning out of my fingers and choke people over the phone")  And aye, it's totally hard to stop typing like that once you start.

A toolbar would be BOSS.  I mean, I very rarely use that adjective, but... it'd just be BOSS to have iPod functions on the MC toolbar.  If not a separate toolbar, then at least some buttons that could be added (or would be added when you install the plugin, or would become visible when you click on the iPod in the tree... etc).

I'm m.i.a. again for a bit, sigh.  I've already missed two builds.  I had a bit of a hard drive meltdown (note that Tweek is missing, along with the *ahem* pretty iPod icon in my sig *ahem*) and I'm taking advantage of the downtime to do some maintenence, reformats, and reinstalls.  Heh, and since I'm shuffling around data, I've actually formatted my iPod via windows explorer and am temporarily using it as a firewire hard drive.  Never thought I'd be doing that when I bought it, eh?

You guys just keep rockin, and think fondly of me... I should be back in action by the weekend.  I'll tip a fourty for y'all while I play sysadmin over here.  Cheers, fellas.
 mjextman.exe /ipodsync


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« Reply #110 on: December 20, 2002, 08:54:50 am »

Ok.  I've got the .34 plugin installed now.  I tried reformatting my iPod for MJ and sync'ing.  It still crashed part-way through.  Just like tou, the sync window indicates an incorrect (optimistic?  ;D) countdown timer (see image below).  When the countdown timer gets near 0:00, it crashes.  The same thing happens when queued songs are transferred using the "Upload Files" button (see second image - the progress bar is too far considering the number of songs left to be transferred).  It crashed when the progress bar was completely full.



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« Reply #111 on: December 20, 2002, 09:04:19 am »

Hey guys, regarding the "freeze".  When I do it, it freezes and the app looks like it's crashed, but if you wait it will eventually complete the sync/upload and everthing will be fine.  Is that what you've been experiencing?  Have you tried waiting?  

I think we just got a little bug back that we used to have.

Hey DeeJayPod: thanks for putting the screenshots up, now Steve knows what I mean about the inconsistency between the two status dialogs.  And don't that first one look *much* prettier?   ;D

Kurt: we've missed your quips, bro.  I've seen that movie.  Gotta love that 'un.  Tip a forty for me....   ;)



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« Reply #112 on: December 20, 2002, 09:08:43 am »

Vote 1 for the pretty status box.

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« Reply #113 on: December 20, 2002, 09:10:24 am »

Hey guys, regarding the "freeze".  When I do it, it freezes and the app looks like it's crashed, but if you wait it will eventually complete the sync/upload and everthing will be fine.  Is that what you've been experiencing?  Have you tried waiting?  

Hey Adam,

For me, at least, it seems to be an all-out crash.  In WinXP, I get an OS notification that the app has crashed and MJ shuts down by itself.



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« Reply #114 on: December 20, 2002, 09:46:42 am »

OK, DeeJayPod, that no good.

Steve?  Enlighten us oh wise one.....we beg of thee.


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« Reply #115 on: December 20, 2002, 10:50:26 am »

Hello All,

Wow, y'all gave me a lot to work with. Let's get down to business....

I have just posted a new Plug-in (3.0.35). I was able to duplicate the GUI lock and figured out why. I think it is fixed. I think this will fix the crashing as well.

Adam's novella  :)..

BTW.. Many issues can only be resolved only when we are able to do a new build of MC 9 which is on hold until the new year at which time I can begin to make the appropriate modifications.

1) Hopefully resolved in new build

2) I could not duplicate this. Are you using a smartlist or a playlist. Only smartlists will randomly regenerate the contents. For me, if I create a smartlist like the one you suggest, the content is transferred differently each time. If you don't want the contents of the smartlist on iPod to be additive, be sure to check "Delete files not in synch".

3) This is now included. Eventually you will be able to reorder the files by drag and drop but this will have to wait for the new build of MC 9

4) I know about this. There is not a way to get better status back for this process. I can try to make more educated guesses, but this is the best it can be for now.

5) This does not look good. When you play files on your Windows formatted iPod, a file called "PlayCounts" gets created, but it is empty even after playing files. This tells me that it is not implemented by Apple and is something that I have no control over. If anyone knows of a Windows application that handles PlayCounts for iPod, please send me a copy of the PlayCounts file and I will see if I can do anything with it.

6) I included a check that instructs the user to format if a MJ format has not been performed. I opted not to automate this to minimize the chance that a user may inadvertently format with us when they don't need to. Also because I think we are compatible with formatting by some other apps which means that a format may not always be necessary.

7) This is now no longer necessary. If a user wants to name his/her iPod "MJ ROCKS"(or whatever), they can do so and we will detect it if they go to Tools->Plugin Manager->Handheld->Portable Drives->Configure and then enter the corresponding volume label.

8) Must  wait for new MC build.

10) Your powers grow strong. I no longer sense a disturbance in the MC force.

11) The "Ugly" status is generated from within MC not the plugin.  I can try to sidestep it when with a new MC build.

12/13) The promised storing of these options is already in MC 9 but not released yet.

14) Yes, new build of MC9

15) New build

16) This would be cool, but would require some major reconstruction of how MC and the Plug-in interact.

17) New Build MC 9

PS For all the "New Build MC 9" things after the new year, if I forget to get on these, feel free to remind me.


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« Reply #116 on: December 20, 2002, 12:02:13 pm »

Holy Plugins Batman!  That's more than I expected.  Can't wait for the new MC9 build!!!!

Regarding playcounts....BUMMER!  Those lame Apple programmers, what were they thinking not meeting the needs of the majority of their Market (WiPods).  DUH!

I'll update the help guide on the ipod name fix. Still need to send that to you.....

Can't wait for the  8).


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« Reply #117 on: December 20, 2002, 12:09:12 pm »


PS For all the "New Build MC 9" things after the new year, if I forget to get on these, feel free to remind me. we wouldn't? :)

Thanks for all the goodies and goodies to come!

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« Reply #118 on: December 20, 2002, 12:14:42 pm »


Regarding playcounts....BUMMER!  Those lame Apple programmers, what were they thinking not meeting the needs of the majority of their Market (WiPods).  DUH!

Don't doubt Steve of couse but I'd think that if you were porting this over (and really the change fro MiPod to WiPod isn't that complex is it?) it'd be tougher to take it out than to leave it in, weird.

Could it be that iTunes initializes that field in some way that that lame-o MMJB doesn't?  Hey, what the heck do I know. :)

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« Reply #119 on: December 20, 2002, 12:46:56 pm »


I don't know. I do know that the file gets created by iPod when you start playing stuff on the iPod. For example, if you delete the Play Counts file (in iTunes Folder on iPod) and play some files on iPod, when you go back to your PC, you will see the file. It is empty. Since this is all happening on the iPod, I don't see any way to change this behavior. I know where in the database the info should be stored, but iPod does not make any modifications to this field so I can't retrieve it when you reconnect.



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« Reply #120 on: December 20, 2002, 02:01:55 pm »

Hey Adam
Like DeeJAy Pod I just get an all out crash.
Windows notification and BANG MJ closes.
It happens very quick.
Glad I saw the status bar and noticed the time counter.
Thanks for the screen shots DeeJAy Pod!"How did you do that?"
I hope it helps Steve fix this problem
I was beginning to think it was just me
I never had this problem in the very first builds
It really sucks!    


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« Reply #121 on: December 20, 2002, 02:18:27 pm »


I hope it helps Steve fix this problem
I was beginning to think it was just me
I never had this problem in the very first builds
It really sucks!    
Tou have you tested  .35 that Steve just put up?

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« Reply #122 on: December 20, 2002, 03:47:06 pm »


I reported in my novella what I thought was a bug regarding randomized playlists.  You said it worked, I can't get it to.

Here's my sit:

2 Playlists:

Playlist #1 has all my tunes on it that I want on my iPod
Playlist #2 is this: =Playlist #1, Not Genre: (Classical), Limit= 480 minutes, sort=random.

When I sync, I would expect that Playlist #2 gets refreshed with a new list of songs and a new Sequence order.  That's not happening--it's keeping the old list of songs and the old sequence (from the last sync).  It only works if I first delete the Playlist then do a sync.  Even if I check "Delete Files" it won't work.

My suspicion is that it has something to do with the fact that all the songs will *always* already be on the iPod because they are part of Playlist #1.

Sorry to give you more headache.  Let me know if you have any questions.



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« Reply #123 on: December 20, 2002, 04:32:49 pm »


Don't doubt Steve of couse but I'd think that if you were porting this over (and really the change fro MiPod to WiPod isn't that complex is it?) it'd be tougher to take it out than to leave it in, weird....


On rereading this I wanted to make sure that its clear that the "you" I was referring to was Apple not Steve. :)  Steve is great!!!!!

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« Reply #124 on: December 20, 2002, 04:51:57 pm »

I downloaded the latest plugin and I am still having the same problem as before
How about you?
I can sync some files now.
If for example i sync a playlist that has perhaps 26 songs in it .It transfer fine .
But when it has 100 + songs in it once again the counter runs out and Mediacore has detected a problem and needs to close and i am back to desktop.
Crap! I was hoping this would be it.

Anythoughts on what is going on Steve :-/  


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« Reply #125 on: December 20, 2002, 07:26:07 pm »


You were able to upload fine with other programs right?  I mean w/like ephpod or something?  Just trying to rule out firewire stuff and the like.  

Let's see, you have the latest MC build (88 or 89 work fine).  Right?

Have you tried doing a restore on your iPod, then a format for MJ?  I know it's a long shot, but I'm just trying anything.  



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« Reply #126 on: December 20, 2002, 07:45:19 pm »

It looks like plugin 35 is working better. I am able to completely synch now (files and playlists) and the progress screen works to completion. I entered 6 or 7 complete CDs tonight with only minor glitches (i.e. the Ipod refused to delete a few files that had their file names changed in MC). I was able to use Xplay and brute force delete them there.  :)

Overall, I am really pleased with MC 9 and how it handles the Ipod. I just wish I had not spent money on other Ipod software before finding Media Center!  ;D


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« Reply #127 on: December 20, 2002, 08:05:41 pm »

Uh oh! I looked in my Ipod and ALL of the playlists are gone. I did a re-synch in MC 9 (to completion) with no change. All of the playlists/smartlists are still in MC 9's library and were checked prior to the synch. I am using plugin 35 on a Win 10 GB Ipod.

Any ideas?


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« Reply #128 on: December 20, 2002, 11:18:47 pm »


... When I sync, I would expect that Playlist #2 gets refreshed with a new list of songs and a new Sequence order.  That's not happening--it's keeping the old list of songs and the old sequence (from the last sync).  It only works if I first delete the Playlist then do a sync.  Even if I check "Delete Files" it won't work. ...



This is not logical for me. A playlist is something static. It should not change itself when syncing. Otherwise I could never create a random playlist and keep it as it is whitout loosing it every time I sync.

What you want to do is exactly, what smartlists do. They are dynamic and I expect them to do this (choose other files and mix them up when syncing). And that's what it does in fact. There's no reason for me to "mix" the functions from playlists and smartlists.

By the way: I did a lot of testing with V. 35 (syncing, uploading, deleting, update tags etc. Had absolutely no problems so far. No GUI locks and sync dialog keeps the last chosen options for me.



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« Reply #129 on: December 21, 2002, 05:46:15 am »

Sorry to say that .35 didn't do the trick for me either.  :(  It crashes the same way as before.  It looks like I opened up a real can of worms when posting my problem - sorry again, Steve, but I guess better now than later...

Anyway, just to confirm, I have not had this type of a problem with any other sync software - I've used MMJB and EphPod.

Concerning the screenshots, Tou, you need some server space where you can post them, then link to them using the image tags (available from the YABBC posting toolbar).  To take screenshots of a window, hit Alt-PrintScreen and save the copied image to a graphic file in any graphics editor.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend!  It's a nice winter day here in NYC!



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« Reply #130 on: December 21, 2002, 06:08:12 am »



This is not logical for me. A playlist is something static. It should not change itself when syncing. Otherwise I could never create a random playlist and keep it as it is whitout loosing it every time I sync.

What you want to do is exactly, what smartlists do. They are dynamic and I expect them to do this (choose other files and mix them up when syncing). And that's what it does in fact. There's no reason for me to "mix" the functions from playlists and smartlists.


I should have been more clear (I think Steve knew what I was talking about from an earlier post).  This is a Smartlist, not a manual Playlist.  So Playlist #2 in my scenario does refresh with a new list of songs each time I view it in MC.  I would expect each sync of that Playlist (smartlist) to get refreshed as well.



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« Reply #131 on: December 21, 2002, 04:15:48 pm »


I have Ephpod currently on my computer.
I have version 2.60b . I don't know if you had a chance to try it yet. You should if you haven't. It's wicked fast now. Faster than anything currently I believe.
Slowest speed i get running Windows routines is 8mbps.
I have got speeds up to 14. I haven't tried the internel copy routines.

Yes i had Music match 7.5 on my computer and it ran fine.
I just deleted it because in didn't  like it like so many people.

I had version 88 of mediacenter on my computer and upgrade to the 90 build.

Now i have more problems1

The sync funtion no longer shows and also no format for mj!

It seems to me the more builds we have the more problems come up.

The first couple of builds worked fine .
Now i have another problem besides the sync and crash problem.

I have the event log on my computer detailing what happens when it crashes

I can't sent it using this format because it is rather large
I tried to shorten it but still had no luck sending it.

If you or Steve thinks it is important . You cansend me your e amil address and i can send it too you


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« Reply #132 on: December 21, 2002, 04:53:38 pm »

Just a little update
I deleted the 90 mediacenter build from my computer and reinstalled the 88 build that i still had on my computer because of the problem i discussed in my previous post.

Well i downloaded latest plugin and let it rip.
It said my ipod needed to be formated for mj
It never said that before " I just did it myself'
I formatted and synced some files

Well believe it or not it worked great!

I synced various smart playlists  Random CD, High Bitrate, Random 1 hour.
I thought "man this is sweet" IT WORKS!

Then I did all music and it synced fine but I noticed it said I only had 249 songs on my computer.
I have 649 songs on it.

So i went to media library and selected import media and imported my mp3 files from my music file.

Presto...649 songs!
I then selected sync all music files for the acid test.

Well it flunked again.
SAme problem again
The counter ran out before it got to 200 songs and crashed.

BALLS! I thought i had it this time. :-/



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« Reply #133 on: December 21, 2002, 07:39:00 pm »


I tried ephpod 2.60a just for kicks.  Didn't get much faster speeds than before, and it was slower for me at least than MC is reporting.  It also crashed.  I'm sure 2.60b is more stable, but since MC9 is working for me, I'm hooked.

I'm bummed that you're having problems with the most recent builds still.  Hopefully Steve will resolve that (I'm sure he will!).  You said you had version .90 of MC.  There isn't a .90 out yet, did you mean .89?  Just curious.


One thing I did notice is that the iPod still needs to be named "IPOD".  I tried renaming it to something else (using Explorer, not doing it through MC) and my iPod was recognized in CD, DVD & Handhelds, but it didn't have the right options and it should the ipod_control folder.  Couldn't do anything until I changed it back to "IPOD" in explorer.

Just an FYI.


Kurt Young

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« Reply #134 on: December 21, 2002, 07:40:19 pm »


I got everything up and running, and got the latest mc9 and plugin.

I dig the "Your iPod may not work with MJ, you should format it" dialogue... nice.

Update tags as enabled by default, I like it.  Now if "Delete songs not in list" was enabled by default... ;)

So, I started a sync and walked away.  Same sync that I've used many times in the past, same group of playlists, that is.  Bout 2229 songs, as reported by the dialogue.  I came back to "Media Core" having crashed.  Doh.  :'(

Media Jukebox  9.0.89 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium III 931 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 1048 MB, Free - 534 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2800.1106 / ComCtl32.dll: 6.00.2800.1106 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2800.1106
Shell32.dll: 6.00.2800.1106 / wnaspi32.dll: Internal ASPI Layer

Ripping /   Drive G:   Copy mode:ModeBurstBigBuffer   CD Type:Auto   Read speed:Max
 Drive H:   Copy mode:ModeBurstBigBuffer   CD Type:Auto   Read speed:Max
 Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: No /  Copy volume: 32767
 Eject after ripping: No /  Play sound after ripping: No  

Burning /  Drive G: SAMSUNG  CD-R/RW SW-212B    Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:12  MaxSpeed:12  Use MJ Engine:Yes
 Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: No
 Use playback settings: No /  Normalization: None
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« Reply #135 on: December 22, 2002, 12:58:43 am »

Now if "Delete songs not in list" was enabled by default... ;)

Them's feudin' words!  

Boy do I LOVE Media Center!!!

Kurt Young

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« Reply #136 on: December 22, 2002, 09:56:29 am »


Them's feudin' words!  


The force is strong in this one...  >:(  Join me, and we will rule the galaxy together...
 mjextman.exe /ipodsync


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« Reply #137 on: December 22, 2002, 11:59:09 am »

You are right it is version 89 not 90 as i said.

It just i am more than "bummed" about this issue right now as I am sure DeeJayPod and others are right now.

Joe Freshman has a winner with 2.60b IMHO
Runs fine on my system.
It has a few little quirks
And it screams

It all i have for now till Steve works his magic on this problem.

Or till Apple releases Itunes for Windows
Did I say that! shhhhh! ;)


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« Reply #138 on: December 22, 2002, 01:31:05 pm »


Joe Freshman has a winner with 2.60b IMHO
Runs fine on my system.
It has a few little quirks
And it screams

It all i have for now till Steve works his magic on this problem.

EphPod is my second favorite iPod loading program, its very cool and there's no doubt that we're still working out the bugs on the MC solution.

However, that said, SteveG has been knocking out the bugs, is VERY receptive on both bugs and features requests and MC is a complete MP3 management solution.

Just my thoughts.  :)

Boy do I LOVE Media Center!!!


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« Reply #139 on: December 22, 2002, 11:17:03 pm »

Wanted to make sure this thread from the MC9 section wasn't missed. :);action=display;num=1040590999

Boy do I LOVE Media Center!!!


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« Reply #140 on: December 23, 2002, 06:46:59 am »

Hello Everyone,

I want to try to get to the bottom of the problems some of you are having. For anyone who is experiencing the synch crash, please list for me:

1) MC 9 version

2) MJ Plug-in version ( as listed in Plug-in Manager->Handhelds->Portable Drive )

3) Operating System

4) What options you have selected during synch. (i.e. Update Tags, Delete files not in List , Synch all files)

I have some of this info for some of you but if I can get all of it for all of you, I hope I can find a pattern and a solution. Thanks.


I see the dilemma with the All Files Playlist. Let me think on this.

Also, after you renamed the volume label, did you go to the Plug-in Manager in MC and rename the volume label to the correct name there?

PS Tim, thanks for posting the other thread here.


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« Reply #141 on: December 23, 2002, 07:39:10 am »

1) MC 9 version  

2) MJ Plug-in version ( as listed in Plug-in Manager->Handhelds->Portable Drive )

3) Operating System
Windows XP Home

4) What options you have selected during synch. (i.e. Update Tags, Delete files not in List , Synch all files)
Update Tags - YES
Delete - NO
Sync all - YES

I'll be around for the rest of the day today (so let me know if you have anything specific you'd like me to test), but unfortunately, I'm going out of town tomorrow for about 2 weeks.



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« Reply #142 on: December 23, 2002, 07:52:40 am »



I see the dilemma with the All Files Playlist. Let me think on this.

Also, after you renamed the volume label, did you go to the Plug-in Manager in MC and rename the volume label to the correct name there?


No, I did not.  Thought that that might be the issue.  The problem is, if you don't know that you are supposed to do that, you're never prompted.  That's why a wizard approach would be the best bet.  I can assure you that when people switch to MC9 from other programs they will have renamed their iPods as most programs (Xplay, Ephpod) that people are using allow you to or force you to select a name for your iPod from write w/in the program.  I really thinks some wizard option needs to be implemented to improve the UI here and prevent users from total confusion.  For now I've kept it in the User Guide.



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« Reply #143 on: December 23, 2002, 08:55:03 am »


The next Plug-in will have a Message Box that will alert the user how to modify the Volume Label in MC/MJ.




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« Reply #144 on: December 23, 2002, 06:16:28 pm »


mc version   89

MJ Ipod Plug In      3.0.35

Options selected
update tags yes
delete no
sync all  yes.

I noticed when i select transfer all  It gives me 2 minutes to download 649 songs

When i select just update tags I get 3 minutes to download songs.

It still crashes but I can get more songs  on my ipod before crashing because of increased time.

Also when select select all It downloads at a much much faster speed. I am talking blazing here Steve!

Also when i select just one smart list say All Music and  select nothing in the boxes.

That is I check nothing!
I leave everything blank and select okay
It screams!!!
It stills crashes but because of the increased speed it seems to download more

So i  think we have either a time problem or a speed issue here  

i hope i am pointed you in the right direction Steve

Have a nice Holiday everyone!

Kurt Young

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« Reply #145 on: December 23, 2002, 08:40:47 pm »

No crashes tonight.  MC9.0.89, iPod 3.0.35.  ~2000 songs, 8MB/s (screamin!), no boxes checked except for "Update Tags", many smartlists included in sync.  Kurt's a happy podder!

Here's a little treat for y'all -- funny stuff indeed!

BTW, XPlay isn't on my system anymore, and I haven't used Ephpod in ages.  MC rules.
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« Reply #146 on: December 24, 2002, 05:08:28 am »

My IPOD seems not to be able to see all that MJ has downloaded onto the disk.

So I can see all the files in MJ looking at the IPOD from there - I can't see the files out of 1 of the 8 smartlists I used to download on the IPOD using its own interface.

I am using MC 9 and the newest IPOD plugin downloaded today. The IPOD is a 20G PC version.

I have reformated the IPOD using MJ. I use smartlists to gather up the files off the PC.

Synhronizing finds missing files but again I see no changes on the Ipod interface only in MJ.

Where am I going wrong and what should I watch out for?


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« Reply #147 on: December 24, 2002, 06:23:26 am »


I want to try to understand the problem. I think you are saying that you synch a smartlist and you can see the files from within MC, but cannot find them on the iPod. How are you browsing for them, by Artist, Album or Song name? Can you check if the files are in the correct folder on the iPod as listed in the filepath from within MC?



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« Reply #148 on: December 24, 2002, 06:29:55 am »

Hi Steve,

what more can I tell you?
To me it looks like some format mismatch with how the IPOD looks at its disk and how MJ looks at it from the outside.
The stuff is there I just cannot get at it from the IPOD interface.

Thanks for responding


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« Reply #149 on: December 24, 2002, 06:32:35 am »

Hi Steve,
sorry couldn't see all the text at first.

Yes, you get the right idea. I tried browsing by genre, artist and title. The ipod is consistent and does no take notice of the files.

Best Regards
Fan Man
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