I would not call myself a developer, but these questions would be out of place in the other forum.
I have produced and uploaded two track info templates which use external files for, amongst other things, cover art. I display the cover art at 350x3@@. I have tried to incorporate a mouse rollover on the image using the Adobe GoLive tool, but have had no success.
What I am trying to achieve is the following:
Default = cover.jpg [img src="TRACKINFO_INSERT_TRACKPATH/cover.jpg"]
Mouseover = tray.jpg [img src="TRACKINFO_INSERT_TRACKPATH/tray.jpg"]
It would be cool to get a mouse click on the cover art to open the source directory in windows, but I think that step might be too ambitious.
When I mouseover, the result is a broken link. Is this a problem with using java/DHTML on the index (or generated)page?
Any help would be appreciated.
In most collections there will be cover art which is missing; is there any way to redirect a broken image link to a default image?
Also, I postedon the other forum, that the last played function will show the number of times played, but the last time played comes up as the current playing time. Any ideas?