Can we please get a setting for the TargetBar's text color? Right now it follows the FRAME > Colors > Text setting...which isn't very convienent. I'm requesting a specified setting under PLAYERWINDOW (where TargetBar is defined) for the TargetBar's text color. The column header's got their own TextColor should TargetBar (in my opinion).
I'd request a separate text color setting for those up/down triangles used on the visualization divider bar (in Playing Now)...currently they take on the color of FRAME > Colors > Text too.
OK...still more -
Separate Text Color settings for Menu text, Button text and, maybe, Dialog 'static' text. I see many examples in current MEGA-ME skins where it is hard to be creative because the current 'one text color fit all' scheme (FRAME > Colors > Text) doesn't fit everywhere...look at Green Eyes w/black on dark green buttons (very hard to read...making the text white makes the menu bar and TargetBar text hard to read...and so on).