I think you've done a great job on this - tried playing around with it last night. Lots of MC users will find it really useful but unfortunately for me their are 2 big sticking problems:
1. It takes an age to open in IE with my 22K library
2. I store cover art inside files so I can't see it in the HTML.
My main use for such a facility would be to send the file to friends so they could browse the libary. I use a filterable excel list for this.
What you've done is much more sexy though - like I said, great job.
1. Be happy it doesn't crash the XSLT processor! The problem with XSLT is that all the processors (as far as I know) load the complete document into memory. You might try a processor that uses SAX (instead of DOM), but I think it will still have to load the whole document into memory. You could try Xalan - though I've never had a problem with MSXSL. I think the only other option is to write a program that does what the XSLT does (using SAX not DOM) - but for me, that'd defeat the purpose. Once you're done transforming the XML, you could save the resultant HTML file - so it'd a one-time "age". Or does it take a long time to open the HTML as well?
2. I've been trying to think of the advantages to storing cover art inside the media file. Is it only MC that can retrieve them? If so, what's the disadvantage of putting thim in the album folder or a coverart folder?