I was thinking of learning Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs), which is a "language" for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML.
i thought of this intially and looked at the chapter on VML, which is IE's implmentation of SVG. i realised it was interesting but wanted to get up to speed faster w/o having to learn yet another language, ( i did not have your xsl at that time Scott).
Another possibility was a plugin that would do this. But there are many variables and display formats that could be chosen. I finally decided on access as once the data was imported it could be graphed in many ways and the display side of things is handled by access fairly well.
My progress so far :
- what % do diff genres make-up out of all genres.
- what genres do tracks rated 3 and above fall into and the % spread.
These worked quite well in access displaying duration of track vs genre.
- % of different encoding rates.
wil have to do a replace (for the rates that do not fall into CBR defined slots ) as VBR.
The impression i got was they were nice to see, to get an over all idea of what is there. I dont know whether this is something that one needs to do that often.
IF better more immediate use-cases could be defined, i can imagine such an application being more used. The 3 above work on a global basis and do not change as rapidly at least not in my collection

This does not mean the exercise was a waste of time (IMO)

There was the possiblity of an XML dump and i was looking at ways/ideas the data could be used.
- To get an over all score for an album i avg the ratings. i was going to make a query that allows me to see avg scores in decimal increments of 0.1 between 2 and 5
this one is taking some time as i have not yet rated everything completetly. I feel this is a useful( more immediate use case) example. IF i ever wanted to know which albums had OVERALL good ratings to recommend to friends.
More examples of usecase like the above need to be found before you have something compelling. Maybe others could suggest ideas.
Using this technology, I could write an XSLT that transforms an exported MPL into some summary statistics and generates a bar chart, line graph, or pie chart. IE6 and Firebird (if you get the right build) can both view SVGs. With Scott.'s MCXMLExport plugin, this would mean you could easily select a playlist or view scheme, choose the configuration for "ChartGenreSummaries" (which I'd provide along with the appropriate XSLT), and click "go" to get the result in a browser window.
This sounds interesting, ideally if JRiver decided to incorporate a XML compliant browser ( borrowing from Firebird as JimH implied in an earlier post).
An XML application ( like yours ) could render the graphs in a more seamless way within MC itself.
In the meantime, it will be easier for ppl not having to bother with access, going from MC to browser immediately.