Hi John,
I went back and checked as per your request. And Yes, the input was MIXER, and yes, all of the mute check boxes went from unchecked to checked the instant I started the recording level test.
I also tried the Line In setting and you are correct. Only the line in remains unchecked when the recording test is started and the volume slider increases as the recording level program tries to adjust the sound. When I exit the Recorder Program, the mute check boxes are reset to their unchecked state with either line in or mixer settings.
At this point I would ask that you hold off investigating this problem until you hear further from me.. It appears that my Windows operating system, who we all know has a mind of it's own, has tried to repair itself, or possibly some other program has fiddled with my registry, because I went into the registry and found hundreds of duplicate registry entries, in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. and windows is taking a very long time to Shut Down, and Boot Up. As soon as I get some time, I am going to rebuild a new system, on a clean formated hard drive. I will save the old system seperate from the computer so that I can go back to it if necessary. I wll try to do this this weekend and will post my results here as soon as I am done.
Thank you so very much for your help, I don't want to put you through any unnecessary testing until I have determined that the problem is or is not with my OS.
Talk to ya later,
Bob Galanter