I have a Zen Xtra 60GB, with over 600 "albums" on it, and frankly, navigation on handhelds (I think the Zen is typical) sucks compared to MC. In MC I use a three-column display, Genre, Album Artist, Album. That way to find something I click on Genre, which shows me all the artists in that genre, I then click on the artist I want, which shows me only that artist's albums, and then I click on the album I want to play.
On the Zen, you can view by Genre, but within genre, all you get is a list of all the albums, so you have to scroll through all the albumes in the genre to find the one you want. Or you can view by artist, but then you have to scroll through the 200 or so
artists on the Zen to get to the one you want to open to look at the albums.
Furthermore, lets say you do your first sort by genre, then you have a bunch of albums that say "symphony no. 1" or "greatest hits." So you have to retag all of those to prefix them with the artist name so you can see what's what. I'm in the process of prefixing all my album names with the artist name, so I will have an artist-album sort under genre, but the problem with that is that it makes the name so long you lose the end of the ablum title. So you see a bunch of Mozart - Piano Concerto... with concerto number not showing until the album name shows.
As far as I know all the hard drive players suffere from this liability. The problem is that this organization structure may work fine for a 5GB or even 10GB drive, but once you get up to 60GB, it's simply too unwieldy. Hopefully Creative will write some more powerful firmware for the Zens to streamline using them a little. And eventually, the tiny screens will get larger so you can have a really usable display. I mean, the 60GB lists for $400, and aside from the $150 retail hard drive it contains, has less horsepower and a crummier display than any $150 PDA. Eventually the jukebox market will mature to the point where affordable usable units are made.
After all that venting, I have to say it is just incredible to have a huge music library in that little thing, and the sound is just great.