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Author Topic: Curious about Lyrics Finder (submissions)  (Read 1776 times)


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Curious about Lyrics Finder (submissions)
« on: December 26, 2003, 09:14:17 am »

Just curious about how the Lyrics Finder plugin determines what is to be submitted... I added all the songs in my library with the filter ' lyrics="" ' to my playing now playlist, so one would assume that these songs would just recieve lyrics and none would be submitted - yet it says I've submitted 60 lyrics.  Another factor that would make me think that none would be submitted (even if I had songs with lyrics in the playing now) is that all lyrics in my library came from the lyrics finder anyway.
On the other hand, I just added some lyrics for one of my albums (Djupa Andetag by Frida) and only 3 songs got submitted, yet I can only find one of the songs on the lyrics website.
Just curious about this and whether there's any bugs at work.


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Re:Curious about Lyrics Finder (submissions)
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2003, 10:09:30 am »

It is a bit complex but if non of them had lyrics but something was not the same in the artist or song name fields like (Live, Remix) etc the program will re-submit back to the server


checked for: song vengaboysupdown.txt HTTP log - - [26/Dec/2003:10:22:27 -0500] "GET /Lyrics/V/vengaboysupdown.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 314 - - [26/Dec/2003:10:22:28 -0500] "GET /Lyrics/V/vengaboysupanddown.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 958 - - [26/Dec/2003:10:22:28 -0500] "GET /Lyrics/V/vengaboysupdown.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 314

this was not found: GET /Lyrics/V/vengaboysupdown.txt
more than likely it was venga boys up & down
since "&" is filtered out, if it would have been "venga boys up and down.txt it would have been found and it did above then re-submited to the server the way you have it typed (see below)

submit: vengaboysupdown.txt, FTP log

12/26/2003 10:22:31 AM - LyricsFinder > STOR Lyrics/V/vengaboysupdown.txt
12/26/2003 10:22:31 AM - LyricsFinder > asked to upload 'Lyrics\V\vengaboysupdown.txt' in 'D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\' --> Access allowed.
12/26/2003 10:22:31 AM - LyricsFinder > 150 Opening data connection for vengaboysupdown.txt.
12/26/2003 10:22:32 AM - LyricsFinder > started uploading 'Lyrics\V\vengaboysupdown.txt' in 'D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\'.
12/26/2003 10:22:32 AM - LyricsFinder > 226 File received ok.
12/26/2003 10:22:32 AM - LyricsFinder > finished uploading 'Lyrics\V\vengaboysupdown.txt' in 'D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\' -  (00:00:01 - 0.934 KB - 0.934 KBytes/s).

I also Have this CD and it is not Listed As 'Up & Down' But Is Listed 'Up And Down' on the CD. This is also a good song.

'Up And Down' Charted At 04 In 1998

Listening to: 'Up And Down' from 'The Party Album' by 'Vengaboys' on Media Center 10
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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