OK – this is a difficult task, especially now with familiarity of the software, so let’s go back to the beginning. Taking the current incarnation of MC, I am assuming that all the functionally is OK, we just need to re-arrange the interface and presentation.
First, let us divide the functionality of the product into 3 main areas;-
1. Library,
2. Player and
3. Tools.
In this instance, Tools are not things related specifically to management of the Library or Player.
Looking at the MC9, under the toolbar menu, the following are Library functions:-
1. File, Library
2. File, Export Playlist
3. File, Export All Playlists
4. Edit, Tag Info
5. Edit, Copy,
6. Edit, Select All
7. Edit, Invert selection
8. Tools, Import Media,
9. Tools, Acquire Images
10. Tools, Library Tools
11. Tools, Image
The following are Player functions:-
1. File, Open Media
2. File, Open URL
3. File, Quick Play
4. Player – all except display options
The following are Tool functions:-
1. Edit, Add View Scheme
2. View, List style
3. View, Media Mode
4. Player, Display Options
5. Tools, All except accounted for above
Generally, it appears that there has become a blurred distinction between the Player and the Library.
Next, re-group all the ridiculously named mini-me, mega-me, hairstyle, party mode, list styles together. This really is a lamentable confusion for all and even for the experienced users, it lacks general customisation in some areas with too much in others.
A lot has been said on these “display” issues in the forum and there may be no right ( or wrong! ) answer. So, I suggest going back to the drawing board literally. Perhaps a new way of presenting the various displays. For my 2cents worth, I would suggest a “Normal” view, a “HTPC” view and a “Screen saver” view. Each of these can be customisable with skins, layout and content.
I always remember the advice given to me when we launched on-line financial service a few years back:- The developers are not the target audience – they know too much; the directors of the company are not the target audience –but often impose their personal views; the marketing team should come nowhere near the designers - and generally know nothing. Get some graphic ergonomic advice from people who have NEVER used the product…
Next, let’s look at set-up
MC covers a broad spectrum of target audiences, ranging from the non technical early adopters to the propeller heads. The far right of the spectrum can most probably look after itself, so let’s look at the beginner through to the first time HTPC user.
When start MC for the first time, step through the set-up process for Audio, Video, Handhelds, Ripping & Burning.
Perhaps use a wizard ( I hate that name, but it describes the function needed ) that guides users through the various settings for Tools and the Library ( grouped as covered above ).
Set up questions like – where do you want your library database?, cover art in files?, artist\album. Hide the video, images stuff. And by the way, “Media Import” is a misleading term as “import” means bring something in, implying the files will be copied – you’re not, you are only indexing it.
A while ago, Microsoft had an idea of partially installing features of its software. Whilst this is not necessary for MC, perhaps the first time that a user activates a particular function – e.g. ripping, a sub-set of the set-up program can run to assist the set-up process.
Lastly, I would suggest a pre-packed configuration file for common user types – perhaps the iPod first time user and the HTPC user. I would even go so far as to suggest a recommended hardware list and a configuration file with all the presets to match. This makes a “build your own” HTPC a possibility for the less experienced user.
I wonder if this all points to an MC lite that would be free for new iPod users or ATI board purchasers…