Would you consider iTunes' Search/Smartlist wizard to be a "giant wizard dialog"?
Because, personally... I think it's rather brilliant.
I agree, this is by far the best interface I've ever ever scene for this type of function, and the beauty of it is it is as big or small as the end user needs and even extremely complex searches can be created and edited by just about anyone with little or no experience, even MBAs and soccor moms. What more can you ask for in an interface?
Thanks Matt and Doof for answering my question, but I'm not sure I was clear in my questions:
1. How do I create a differently named filter, in other words, there are two there now, I want a third, possible?
2. The defaults include ratings which I realize are coming from the Access Rating field, if I click on this field in the current interface, there are clearly some values, off the top of my head, R, NR-17, etc. However, if I go to a file to apply an Access Rating in the AW, those values are not part of the pull-down, in otherwords, I have no way of knowing what my options are and there do appear to be options.
Hope my questions are clearer...
I think the way this is working the words "Access Control" make a lot of sense, however, I do agree with others that the regular view filters should be brought back, view filters and access control are different in meaning though they function more or less the same. They both are filters, but one requires a password to apply/de-apply. Maybe the Access Control part of this could be an option of the view filter feature of yore.
In otherwords there could be a checkbox like Enforce Access Control and then a button for defining the password.