Thanks for your response. I have chosen to store all of my wav files in a root directory for a variety of reasons, including being able to see and make global naming and genre changes using programs like Flash Renamer without having to enter and exit directory structures unnecessarily. This methodology has saved me countless hours while cleaning up massive tagging innacurracies from the freedb database.
My wav naming convention automatically sorts the albums in a very predictable and logical way:
Artist/Year/Album Title/Track Number/Track Title/Genre.
Here is a sample of the convention:
Al Green_1995_Greatest Hits_01_Tired Of Being Alone_Rock.wav
I create the library by importing the media and then using Library Tools>Fill Properties From Filename. ...And yet, out of 800 albums, MC seems to display this particular album (along with 10 other single-artist albums), as Multiple Artists when I park my cursor on the cover in the Album Thumbnail view and in the Album/Artist (auto) column in the Detail view. I have also noticed that the Tag Info window doesn't even offer Al Green in the Album/Artist (auto) pull down menu - in spite of the fact that Al Green is listed in the Artist fiels.
I'm feeling pretty stupid right now. I am having trouble understanding why MC is doing this to 10 or 11 of my 800 albums, when there is nothing different about the file name structure.
I appreciate your advise to change my directory structure but I would prefer to leave it as it is - if possible. I cannot figure out how to force MC to acknowledge these 11 albums as "Not - Multiple Artists" without manually editing each song in the Album/Artist (auto) column for 11 albums.
Is that my only option? Is there no way to completely turn off the auto feature and let MC depend solely on the info in the Artist and Album columns? Thanks for your response.