Using vers. 9.1.317. I am in the process of trying to associate
cover images with files, and am running into a problem. I have been
unable to get Media Center to maintain the associations when it is
restarted. I am using the correct image/get from file image command,
and while in Media Center the image is correctly appearing in the Action
Image Window, but when restarting Media Center the Image Window
says no image file for the same track that previously had it appear.
Does this association have to be saved somehow after the association.
I assumed it would be automatic.
I have my entire collection organized by artist, album and disc 1, disc 2
etc. if a two or three disc set. All of the image files are in the corresponding
album directory and named simply cover.jpg. Any help is appreciated.
In a related question, how do you save the Action Window setting (in
this case file info/image view) when shutting down Media Center and then restarting? I always have to open it, click file info, and then image to have
it the way it was when before MC was shut down. Again, a save function
I may be missing? Thanks