The "Blue Steel" skins are optimized for 8 point fontsize if not described different.
I think "Tahoma 8 point" is the standard font setting of windows (and even MC) after installing it, and most people never change this - so I orientated myself by this...
There are available these versions so far:
Blue SteelThe new default skin of MC 9.1

Zoom Picture --
Direct Install --
Download ZIPBlueSteelFullScreenLooks like "Blue Steel", but without rounded borders - for those who always view MC in fullscreen mode.
Zoom Picture --
Direct Install --
Download ZIP
The following stuff will be available soon:LightSteel - A version of "Blue Steel" with light background
MiniSteel - The "mini-me" version of "Blue Steel"
MacroSteel - A very small, basic "mini-me" version of "Blue Steel"
SteelyTrack - TrackInfo Templates for "Blue Steel"
SteelyHair - "Blue Steel" Hairstyle, steely but easy to comb...
SteelyPop - for the use with Rhino Banga's GetPlayingNow-Plugin
Please give me some days to sort stuff... I'm working on it

Listening to: 'Reelin' in the Years' from 'Alive In America' by 'Steely Dan' on Media Center 9.1....