Well, i would also be very interested in working on such a plugin/hairstyle. I just looked at the main.xml file in the hairstyle folder but i guess its only use is for skinning.
Right now i use both MC and MCE on the same computer. I think both of them have advantages over the other. The main advantages of MCE is it's very user friendly interface and its performance. Unfortunately, MCE lacks a lot of functionalities such as ratings and customizability(i.e. skinning).
So here are my questions:
1. Is there a way to modify the way hairstyle works? i.e. make it feel more fluid/tv friendly like MCE. Adding some transition effects would be great as well.
2. If that's not the way to go about it. Could this be done through mini-me skins? I seem to remember hearing that mini-me skins can be customized as much as you want. If so can a mini-me skin be set to fullscreen?
3. I also looked at that music lobby plugin, but i do not like it that much

. BUT, is there a way to customize it to achieve what we're looking for here?
Thanks for the help,