ok, this isn't a technical help question at all, but more or me looking for advice.
While i should've been doing this since day 1, i've realized the awesome potential of smartlists (especially with an ipod) and now wish to embark on categorizing my collection.
The problem is, short of year, artist, album, i have nothing. 20,000 virtually unclassified mp3s.
So I'm basically wondering what you all use kind of as your guidelines, because i see myself getting way too specific and thus making it a waste of time.
The genre of music is pretty varied, most of the relevant stuff fitting into the incredibly broad "indie" or "pop" or "rock" or "electronic" genres, which so much crossover and specialization that it makes my head hurt.
Then there's also what the songs evoke, i guess that'd be mood, this is easier. you've got calm, chill, agressive, fun, sad, weird that kind of stuff, again with crossover but not so much specific categories.
So what systems do you use that are both a.) easy enough to implement and b.) thorough enough to give you kickass smartlists.
any ideas would be greatly appreciated.