From NetDog: (sent as a private message originally)
I have a question about Media Center 10 - actually a few. I am about to pay for it, but need to know the following first.
1) I have been ripping at 1411 (uncompressed WAV). Would I lose ANYTHING by converting the files to lossless WMA? From those, can MC10 easily write Audio CDs (my CD players don't support WMA), and can it easily move my WMAs as MP3s to my iPod, which also doesn't support WMA (but does support MP3, MP4 and, ugh, WAV - which is really too big for a 20gb player).
2) How seamless is the above process if the sources are WAVs and if they are WMAlossless instead?
3) I assume that I can convert my library (right now it is about 100gb on a 320gb drive) in one command...true?
The program really looks great. I just downloaded 10 (had been using an evaluation of 9 for about a week). How solvent is JRiver? Are you going to be here in 5 years? Once I get the wireless media connector for my TV/Sky+/Stereo, I assume this should work quite well with that. When I listen from my laptop, are the files kept in their original format or compressed? How much bandwidth does a WAV require? An MPEG-2 video file?
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