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Author Topic: FLAC support  (Read 2204 times)


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FLAC support
« on: March 31, 2004, 04:04:30 am »


I'm somewhat disappointed by the fact th a MJ8 doesn't play FLAC files. To my knowledge FLAC should be the most accepted lossless codec and is because of the fact it decodes really fast useable in some hardware like carstereo's.

This is why I want to put al my cd's on harddisk in flac format.

Since I understand there's no plugin for FLAC in MJ8 in searching for another MediaPlayer with a good database.
I don't like the 9 version of MJ.

I also use the Album View 2 plugin and this is why I bought MJ8!!

If Album View was available for Winamp 5 I allready quit MJ8!

Any ideas?


Best regards,



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Re:FLAC support
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2004, 08:31:22 am »

Here's the deal...

Media Center supports unicode...MJ does not. What this means is there is a flac plugin for MC...but not for MJ.

So, if you upgrade to MC10 (you'll luv it), see...;action=display;threadid=20189;start=msg140567#msg140567



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Re:FLAC support
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2004, 10:58:43 am »


I will try the BETA download and see if I can use it the way I want.
I'm afraid there's to much in the program I don't need...

But I will give it a go...

I will give my opinion later.




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Re:FLAC support
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2004, 12:09:05 pm »


As I was asuming the 10 version is far to large and big for only my audio files.
I have to many windows, and it seems I cannot change some tags like the image file tag.

I need to change the filenames to just folder.jpg but it's greyed out and cannot be changed. In MJ* is was simple! Also I cannot find the field for albumartist where I use "various" for a compilation album.

Maybe I'm overlooking something...

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Re:FLAC support
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2004, 04:29:04 am »


Just to add some more...

I find it hard to believe that there's no support for FLAC in MJ8. Also I understand that somebody made a plugin for MC 9 and 10 that hasn't got ID3 support at all.
Ofcourse I appreciate when people making effort to do something, but shouldn't it be MJ that should fix this issue? This way I have to go to WINAMP again. Which I don't like but when ALBUM VIEW 3 supports WA5 I'm gone. I would feel sorry to waste the money but when I want to add my cd collection to some 300 Gig harddisks then it should be overthought well...

I read the whole FLAC plugin topic and would like to know the following:

Am I right that I can paly FLAC in MC 9 and 10, but not in MJ8?
If I would make FLAC files through EASY CD-DA Creator would MC 9 or 10 also see the tags that are there? (like genre, artist, image)

If so, I would have to reconsider to buy and use MC 9 or 10...

Sometimes it's hard to decide what is best... ;D
SInce I'm new to this it makes it more difficult!




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Re:FLAC support
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2004, 08:24:53 am »

The input plugin SDK available was for MC only because it is unicode. MJ doesn't support unicode. That's the only reason an MJ plugin wasn't written. ID3vXX in flac? You don't put a Briggs & Stratton in a Ferrari. I wasn't aware that ECDC could create flacs...Exact Audio Copy is better suited. MC can do it, too.

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