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Author Topic: Standard 10 Key Control of MJ  (Read 2447 times)


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Standard 10 Key Control of MJ
« on: February 10, 2004, 02:03:20 pm »

Sorry for the repeat from the MC9 board, but I was not getting any hits, and realized this may be a better place for this question.

I am using the latest version of MC9, and absolutely love it.  I am just finishing up 18 months of treatment for a Brain Tumor, (all is going well) but I need a vacation, so I am planning on driving up and down the east coast with my laptop providing a temporary solution rather than bringing all my cd's.  

Here is my question.  I have to log in to the computer anyway, so I don't mind having some interaction with my laptop, but I would like to have a simple way to do a couple of things.  Next, previous, Play/Pause, Stop.  Any playlists that I create, I will create and load after I boot up the machine for the day.  I mayb fill the 6gb of space that I have in the playing now, and let it fly.  Volume will not be a problem either as that can be contolled through the stereo.

The quesiton is, can I use a 10 key keypad, and map funtions to it, and could someone point me in the write direction?  I am no programmer, so I was hoping to get somthing that was not to tough.  I do not have the 10 key yet, but maybe it will be come apparent when I bought it.  The idea is I don't want to spend a lot of money on this, as it is only a 3 month trip, then I need to think about returning to work with my laptop.

Thanks  Drew


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Re:Standard 10 Key Control of MJ
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2004, 07:17:36 pm »

Sorry for the repeat from the MC9 board, but I was not getting any hits, and realized this may be a better place for this question.

I am using the latest version of MC9, and absolutely love it.  I am just finishing up 18 months of treatment for a Brain Tumor, (all is going well) but I need a vacation, so I am planning on driving up and down the east coast with my laptop providing a temporary solution rather than bringing all my cd's.  

Here is my question.  I have to log in to the computer anyway, so I don't mind having some interaction with my laptop, but I would like to have a simple way to do a couple of things.  Next, previous, Play/Pause, Stop.  Any playlists that I create, I will create and load after I boot up the machine for the day.  I mayb fill the 6gb of space that I have in the playing now, and let it fly.  Volume will not be a problem either as that can be contolled through the stereo.

The quesiton is, can I use a 10 key keypad, and map funtions to it, and could someone point me in the write direction?  I am no programmer, so I was hoping to get somthing that was not to tough.  I do not have the 10 key yet, but maybe it will be come apparent when I bought it.  The idea is I don't want to spend a lot of money on this, as it is only a 3 month trip, then I need to think about returning to work with my laptop.

Thanks  Drew

Why not invest in a serial or USB infrared receiver that's compatible with MC?  You could use a cable long enough to position the receiver on your dash, and then bring your favourite remote control with you.



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Re:Standard 10 Key Control of MJ
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2004, 12:17:29 am »

Hi Drew,
I use the free program Girder to assign hot keys for Play/Pause, Next, Prev so I can control MC without using the mouse or bringing MC to the foreground. Media Center comes with a control file for Girder, you just have to assign the keys you want to use. It should work perfectly with your ten key. It also works with IR controllers, etc.

Mini-how-to: Run MC, run Girder, right click on Girder icon in system tray, Show Girder,
Girder Menu\File\Settings\Auto Load (check on) "c:\Program Files\J River\Media Jukebox\Data\Extras\Girder\MC9_131.gml", Launch Girder On Windows Startup (check on), Hide on startup (check on). Press OK.

Girder Window: Open "Media Center 9 (build 131)" folder tree, open WMessage Commands folder, select a command like Play/Pause, press the "Learn Event" button in the upper right corner, press the hot key for that event. The code for the hot key should now be displayed in large yellow letters in the "Keyboard" window. Do a "Menu\File\Save" and that should be it.

Good Luck!



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Re:Standard 10 Key Control of MJ
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2004, 12:12:55 pm »

who said anything about girder being free.  With all the things I have had to do lately the 30 trial slipped away and now I can't use it.  I wish I had tried it, as I don't mind paying for it if I new it was going to work, but now I am not so sure.  19.99 is a little steep for what I want to do with it, but maybe I will pay and hope I really can use it.


Still having trouble figuring it out, but I have not given up.  I will be trying to find the documentation their web site says exists, but it may be above my non techie head....

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