Devices > Androids and other portables

My Favorite Rio player is....

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In my opinion, they got it pretty close to right around 4-5 years ago with the Rio 500. Great UI and very usable with a real jog dial, a fairly readable LCD, and excellent sound quality. Too bad it had such limited memory compared to other players these days. It has been all downhill from there for them since then, IMHO, as they've been flailing about piling feature upon feature upon feature into their players. My wife has an S35 for working out and the build quality and UI has definitely declined since back then. I myself have upgraded to an iPod, which of course is in a class by itself, the living definition of usable design that has not been overwhelmed by a pile o' useless features.


Uninstall whatever plugin you have installed in MC. With MC 10 you do not need a plugin to see the S35. Instead, go to Tools->Options->Devices and check the box for "Enable WMDM support". This should do the trick and your Rio should be visible in the tree, etc.



We do not have a Rio S35s here for me to test right now, but deletions work on players that we have that are similar. The most likely reason for a problem is the Rio drivers. Please try getting the drivers from here.....

and see if that helps. If not, I can make a test which will give us some information and enable us to sort out what is going on. If anyone else has a Rio S35s, please chime in and report whether deletions work or don't work for you.


I do enjoy my Karma (got it?)
But I miss my rio 500.
Would u belive I killed it "logicaly". Yes, I u/l music to it while the battaries where low charged. then I got the famous "greay screen". So I went ahead and dowloaded the recovery utility.
looking for a spare alkaline battary, I put one which didn't hold much charge. And I killed it :-(
I was thinking of getting another rio 500 of ebay and try to use its parts to recover my player.
I did like the fact that it was solid state.
How ever I didn't get any feedback that it can be done.
What ever.

Nitrus, hands down.

I don't rip my CDs at a high bitrate because I listen in noisy environments: on my Nitrus at the gym, walking down the street, on the subway, etc., and for MP3 CDs. in the car. So I value size, weight, convenience, and battery life over capaciity.

Face it, Apple i great at marketing, but the iPods have horrendous battery life. The Nitrus, with a smaller battery, get tice the real-world battey life. I rip my files not at low-quality VBR, which gives me a butrate around 100, and I can get all my Pet Shop Boys CDs (about 20) on my Nitrus with room to spare.

The Nitrus has two drawbacks:
- The LCD is a bit dim, with lower contrast, and it's imposible to read scrolling text.
- It doesn't charge through its USB connection.

But it's sturdy, it fits easily in any pocket, it'd close to unnoticeable in gym clothes, it handles playlists, it's easy to use, the menu system works well, etc.

Even though I do love it, I am sorely tempted to upgrade, to the 4GB version. How much more space do you really need?


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