Devices > Androids and other portables

My favorite Palm Pilot software player is....


I like Aeroplayer myself.

It has good skins and it's not too expensive.

It also has a cool Aeropod function that shows you the song and artist playing, let's you adjust the volume and skip to the next song, all without leaving you current app.

And the reason that a palm is better than all the other media players.....

You can use a huge number of different apps wherever you go, besides just a calendar and contacts.  

While I listen to music on my palm I usually do any of the following:
Read an Ebook
Play one of a dozen or so card games
Work on Word documents
Play some arcade game
Work on my to do list

All without worrying about a hard drive that skips.

Try doing all that with an Ipod.

RealPlayer 1.5 because it will play purchased tracks from the RealPlayer Music Store without conversion.  8)


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