Here's a free upgrade for existing MusicLobby users that will resolve many of the issues when working with J River's Media Center and greatly enhance the end user experience as well as the cover art issue that previously existed.
For more information visit the MusicLobby web page:
Release Date: 10/28/04
Version 1.90Updates/New Features/Bug Fixes:> ADDED: Autoconvert Images within J River Media Center to be MusicLobby JPG format compatible (Save's file to same directory as original image in Non-progressive JPG)
Supports converting progressive jpg, bmp, dib, rle, wbmp, gif, ico, jpeg, pcd, emf, wmf, png, tga, targa, tif, tiff, and pcx
Note: Images still must not be embedded within the tag
> ADDED: Limit Now Playing Entries (Configurable from MusicLobby Server Plugin within J River Media Center) - Prevents high CPU usage when adding too many songs to Now Playing.
> ADDED: Define popup display message when Now Playing Limit exceeded
> ADDED: Autoplay when entering Jukebox mode
> ADDED: Configure startcredits in jukebox mode by editing musiclobby.ini
> CHANGED: Increased Button Sizes for some views
> BUGFIX: Zone Switching now cycles up/down through zones
Upgrading from Version 1.80d Instructions:1) Shutdown J River Media Center and install mc9setup_19.exe (install mj8setup_19.exe if still using J River Media Jukebox)
2) Extract MusicLobby.swf to your Cinemar folder overwriting the current file